Los Angeles Times

Negotiator­s try to further extend Gaza truce

Hamas releases 16 hostages and Israel was set to free 30 Palestinia­ns as the end of the cease-fire nears.

- BY WAFAA SHURAFA, JACK JEFFERY AND MELANIE LIDMAN Associated Press writers Shurafa and Lidman reported from Jerusalem and Jeffery from Cairo.

JERUSALEM — Hamas released 16 hostages late Wednesday in the last swap for Palestinia­n prisoners held by Israel under the current Gaza truce as internatio­nal mediators raced to seal another extension to allow further exchanges and prolong the halt of Israel’s air and ground offensive.

The Israeli military said a group of 10 Israeli women and children and four Thai nationals had been returned to Israel, where they were being taken to hospitals to be reunited with their families. Earlier, two Russian Israeli women were freed by Hamas in a separate release. Israel was set to free 30 Palestinia­n prisoners in return.

Negotiator­s were working down to the wire to hammer out details for a further extension of the truce beyond its deadline of early Thursday. The talks appear to be growing tougher as most of the women and children held by Hamas are freed, and the militants are expected to seek greater releases in return for freeing men and soldiers.

Internatio­nal pressure has mounted for the cease-fire to continue as long as possible after nearly eight weeks of Israeli bombardmen­t and a ground campaign in Gaza that has killed thousands of Palestinia­ns, uprooted three-quarters of the population of 2.3 million and led to a humanitari­an crisis. Israel has welcomed the release of dozens of hostages in recent days and says it will maintain the truce if Hamas keeps freeing captives.

Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underscore­d on Wednesday that Israel will resume its campaign to eliminate Hamas, which has ruled Gaza for 16 years and orchestrat­ed the deadly attack on Israel that triggered the war.

“After this phase of returning our abductees is exhausted, will Israel return to fighting? So my answer is an unequivoca­l yes,” he said. “There is no way we are not going back to fighting until the end.”

He spoke ahead of a visit to the region by U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to press for further extensions of the truce and hostage releases.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops killed two Palestinia­n boys — an 8-year-old and a 15-year-old — during a raid on the town of Jenin, Palestinia­n health officials said. Security footage showed a group of boys in the street who start to run, except for one who falls to the ground, bleeding.

The Israeli military said its troops fired on people who threw explosives at them but did not specify if it was referring to the boys, who are not seen throwing anything. Separately, the military said its troops killed two Islamic Jihad militants during the raid.

So far, the Israeli onslaught in Gaza seems to have had little effect on Hamas’ rule, evidenced by its ability to conduct complex negotiatio­ns, enforce the cease-fire among other armed groups, and orchestrat­e the release of hostages.

Hamas leaders, including Yahya Sinwar, have probably relocated to the south.

With Israeli troops holding much of northern Gaza, a ground invasion in the south will probably bring an escalating cost in Palestinia­n lives and destructio­n.

Most of Gaza’s population is now crammed into the south. The truce has brought them relief from bombardmen­t, but the days of calm have been taken up in a frenzied rush to obtain supplies to feed their families as aid enters in greater, but still insufficie­nt, amounts.

The United States, Israel’s main ally, has shown greater reticence over the impact of the war in Gaza. The Biden administra­tion has told Israel that if it launches an offensive in the south, it must operate with far greater precision.

The plight of the captives and shock from Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack have galvanized Israeli support for the war. But Netanyahu is under pressure to bring the hostages home and could find it difficult to resume the offensive if there’s a prospect for more releases.

Since the initial truce began Friday, both sides have been releasing women and children. After Friday’s releases, Gaza militants still hold around 20 women, according to Israeli officials. If the releases continue at the current rate, they would be out in a few days.

After that, keeping the truce going depends on tougher negotiatio­ns over the release of around 126 men Israel says are held captive — including several dozen soldiers.

For men — and especially soldiers — Hamas is expected to push for comparable releases of Palestinia­n men or prominent detainees, a deal Israel may resist.

An Israeli official involved in hostage negotiatio­ns said that talks on a further extension for the release of civilian males and soldiers were still preliminar­y, and that a deal would not be considered until all the women and children are out. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because talks were ongoing.

With Wednesday’s releases, a total of 73 Israelis, including dual nationals, have been freed during the six-day truce, most of whom appear physically well but shaken. An additional 24 hostages — 23 Thais and one Filipino — have also been released. Before the cease-fire, Hamas released four hostages, and the Israeli army rescued one. Two others were found dead in Gaza.

So far, most of the 180 or so Palestinia­ns freed from Israeli prisons have been teenagers accused of throwing stones and firebombs during confrontat­ions with Israeli forces. Several were women convicted by Israeli military courts of attempting to attack soldiers.

Palestinia­ns have celebrated the release of people they see as having resisted Israel’s decades-long military occupation of lands they want for a future state.

The war began with Hamas’ attack, in which it killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians. The militants abducted about 240 people and took them to Gaza, including children, women, older adults, soldiers and Thai farmworker­s.

Israel’s bombardmen­t and ground invasion in Gaza have killed more than 13,300 Palestinia­ns, roughly twothirds of them women and minors, according to the Health Ministry in Hamasruled Gaza, which does not differenti­ate between civilians and combatants.

The toll is probably much higher, as officials have only sporadical­ly updated the count since Nov. 11 because of the breakdown of services in the north. The ministry says thousands more people are missing and feared dead under the rubble.

Israel says 77 of its soldiers have been killed in the ground offensive. It claims to have killed thousands of militants, without providing evidence.

For Palestinia­ns in Gaza, the truce’s calm has been overwhelme­d by the search for aid and by horror as they see the extent of the destructio­n.

In the north, residents described entire residentia­l blocks leveled. The smell of decomposin­g bodies under collapsed buildings fills the air, said Mohmmed Mattar, 29, a resident of Gaza City who along with other volunteers searches for the dead.

They have found 46 so far during the truce, he said. Most were unidentifi­ed.

 ?? ABED ZAGOUT Anadolu Agency ?? PALESTINIA­NS in the Gaza Strip are struggling with colder temperatur­es under difficult conditions. The truce has brought relief from bombing, but families are in a frenzied rush to obtain food and other supplies.
ABED ZAGOUT Anadolu Agency PALESTINIA­NS in the Gaza Strip are struggling with colder temperatur­es under difficult conditions. The truce has brought relief from bombing, but families are in a frenzied rush to obtain food and other supplies.

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