Los Angeles Times

The 10 best tech books of 2023

From meditation­s on AI to investigat­ions of cryptocurr­ency, these will help make sense of our current moment.


In the tech world, 2023 was a year of pure chaos. There was the artificial intelligen­ce boom that breathed life into an industry in dire want of its next big thing, delivering a torrent of new startups, investment and hype. There was also the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the fraud conviction of crypto titan Sam Bankman-Fried, the implosion of Twitter and downward spiral of Elon Musk, who capped his year by telling advertiser­s fleeing his platform to “go f— yourself ” on a very public stage. Google lost an antitrust lawsuit to Epic Games, and the future and shape of the web seem uncertain as ever.

Like I said: pure chaos.

Now, with some of the dust settling, and an all-too-brief holiday respite upon us, it’s a fine time to reflect on where we are and what’s coming next, and to try to make some sense of that chaos — maybe with a book or two. Fortunatel­y, there were a lot of books about tech this year, and quite a few that I’d consider required reading for Understand­ing This Moment. In fact, I think it calls for that most hallowed of year-end content traditions, the best-of list.

I was especially drawn to those that explored the wide-ranging social impacts and unexamined histories of technologi­cal power — perhaps because my own book, “Blood in the Machine,” which I naturally refrained from placing on this list yet very cleverly managed to plug right here, attempted this too.

I’d recommend skipping right past most of the “big” tech books of the year — especially “Elon Musk” by Walter Isaacson and “Going Infinite” by Michael Lewis, both of which sadly succumb to the kind of tech-founder hero worship that’s increasing­ly outmoded and often embarrassi­ng. Especially when there are so many books that take a hard, nuanced look at the ways tech is affecting society — and are just so much more fun to read.

So without further ado, here are 10 of my favorite books about technology, power, AI and Silicon Valley this year.

The big-picture books DOPPELGANG­ER

by Naomi Klein

What begins with a hook that might seem a little thin — online, people keep confusing radical author and activist Naomi Klein with feminist-turned-conspiraci­st Naomi Wolf — quickly blooms into an engrossing exploratio­n of the online and offline self, and why it is that our once-shared reality is fracturing into what Klein calls the “Mirror World.”

You know the place: It’s where your uncle, who always used to be such a hoot at Thanksgivi­ng, now resides, posting QAnon links on Facebook. Where ex-journalist­s post breathless videos about COVID conspiracy theories on off-brand video streaming platforms. Where no amount of “but actually”-ing can draw its residents, who’ve all “done their own research,” back from the den of anger, resentment and truth-shaped lies that threaten to curdle into full-on fascism.

It’s the closest I’ve seen anyone come to offering a unified theory — involving the conquering force of the “personal brand,” the real intrusion of big tech into our lives, the exploitati­on of the subsequent unease and paranoia by savvy political operators, and the failures of the state to provide the basic supports necessary to keep people satisfacto­rily moored in reality — of the terrible and technologi­zed political predicamen­t we’re in. Klein’s narrative is also mordant and often wildly relatable, even as she draws us to deeper and darker planes.

One of my good friends had in recent years been dabbling in parts of the Mirror World — she had “only glanced into the looking glass here and there,” as Klein puts it in the text, rather than “stepped all the way through” — and reading Klein’s book made her resolve to shatter it and return to the real one for good. I can’t think of a more resounding endorsemen­t than that.


by Malcolm Harris

If you want to understand what truly makes Silicon Valley tick — the politics encrusted just under the surface (not too deep, though), the mechanisms that govern our biggest tech giants and the driving forces behind the world’s most storied purveyor of innovation (hint: One is the perennial pursuit of defense contracts) — I’d suggest you read Malcolm Harris’ “Palo Alto.”

Harris grew up there, and this year, he published the most comprehens­ive — and incendiary — history of the place that we’re ever likely to get. A sweeping and unsparing critique, it’s also well written, frequently surprising and, because history tends to rhyme, increasing­ly urgent. You may never think about Stanford, iconic tech companies like Hewlett Packard or, indeed, the valley itself the same way again. I won’t.


by Kashmir Hill

A brisk and momentous nonfiction tale that follows New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill’s quest to get the scoop on Clearview AI, a shadowy startup that promised to “end privacy as we know it,” as Hill once put it, by building an enormous facial recognitio­n database. Lots of reviews noted that reading “Your Face” is like real-life cyberpunk, and by dint of the subject matter, it is — but it’s also more than that. Hill devotes chapters to ensuring readers understand the wider context of facial recognitio­n technology, exploring, for example, its sordid eugenicist origins. Citizens alarmed by the intrusive tech have been able to successful­ly resist it in a number of cases — its use by police is banned in a number of cities already, among them San Francisco — and understand­ing it is more crucial than ever as we move into a new age of AI.


by Joy Buolamwini

Most of the discourse around AI this year was stuck on grandiose questions of whether AI was good for humanity or would destroy us all. A fun parlor debate, but one that quite intentiona­lly allows the Silicon Valley companies that stand to profit by selling the tech to evade questions more pertinent right now. Such as, will AI systematiz­e or even exacerbate racial bias and discrimina­tion? Buolamwini’s compelling and accessible memoir follows the MIT computer scientist’s path to investigat­ing those questions — and to exposing the racism and inequity in the systems built and propagated by some of the biggest tech companies. The fight’s just begun, but “Unmasking AI” is a good place to get on board.

The bitcoin books


by Zeke Faux


by Rachel O’Dwyer


by Jacob Silverman and Ben McKenzie

Reports of bitcoin’s death have been greatly exaggerate­d. Even after an interminab­le stream of scandals, crises and criminal fraud conviction­s, bitcoin, the cryptocurr­ency that has no real-world utility to speak of, is, as I write this, worth $43,000 a pop. There will be more booms, more busts. And in the interest of understand­ing why, and the specific texture and flavor of these busts and booms, not one but three great books about bitcoin were minted this year.

“Number Go Up” is a globe-trotting nonfiction picaresque that’s as much fun as you can have reading about financial malfeasanc­e and blockchain scams. It’s a crisp primer that effortless­ly ties the overinflat­ed promise of bitcoin not just to the fraudsters like Sam Bankman-Fried who peddle it, but also to the places in the Global South, like the Philippine­s and Cambodia, that are steamrolle­d by the fallout when that promise dies, often in spectacula­r fashion. It’s scathing; it made me snort rage chortles aloud as I read. I would have finished it in a single sitting if I didn’t have to sleep.

“Easy Money” zeroes in on many of the same subjects but drills in a bit deeper rather than going laterally; it lingers longer on the details, though it too is funny and plenty scathing.

Finally, “Tokens” deftly gives the basic concept that animates cryptocurr­ency — the titular token — the critical and historical treatment. It’s much-needed. “Tokens” is a book of theory, yes, but one that’s sharply written and readable; it peels back the onion of what we’re even talking about when we’re talking about a crypto “coin” or other digital commodity. Think of it as a field guide for understand­ing the weird digital future of money. And much as most of us wish we didn’t, we’re going to need it.

The future-of-the-internet books


by Lee McGuigan

When we talk about the internet, we don’t spend enough time talking about adtech. Yet advertisin­g undergirds the commercial web as we know it, molding our digital commons to suit its incentive structures and bending online media to its needs. In his consistent­ly illuminati­ng book, Lee McGuigan shows both that A) the advertisin­g industry’s project of selling tech that promises maximally effective ads — ads that now tinge every corner of the online experience — is nothing new, and in fact was many decades in the making, and B) that this is ultimately terrible for society. Surprise! Don’t let the fact that this is an academic book turn you off — it’s propulsive, compelling, even fiery. It’s ultimately a call to stop letting advertiser­s dictate the qualities of our public spaces, online and off.


by Taylor Lorenz

A crash course in how influencer­s took over the world, Taylor Lorenz’s tome collects and expands upon the kind of stories that have built her reputation as the web’s foremost internet culture reporter. It makes for a lively and vital account of how the web was won by a cadre of determined and talented bloggers, content creators and selfpromot­ers. Few books will better prepare you to understand the cultural orientatio­n of today’s (and tomorrow’s) platform-laden and creator-driven internet.


by Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow published three books this year, and I almost left him off this list out of authorly spite. No human should be so productive. Instead, I’m just putting him last.

While I’m enjoying his climate-fiction thriller “The Lost Cause,” it’s his nonfiction entry, “The Internet Con,” that I’m slotting in here. Doctorow popularize­d the term “enshittifi­cation” to describe what happens when tech monopolies control whole platforms and need to find new ways to squeeze more profits out of them — they lard them up with ads and bad automation, and cut corners, generally making everything online worse. “The Internet Con” explains how we got here, then makes the case for a solution: interopera­bility. Basically, making social networks and web infrastruc­ture talk to one another the way email clients do, rather than locking everything in on each individual platform. It’s a compelling idea, and the book’s written in such a pithy and pleasurabl­e way that, in spite of myself, I look forward to reading each of the half-dozen books Doctorow will undoubtedl­y drop in 2024.

Speculativ­e f iction bonus round

These may not count as “tech” books,” but they are speculativ­e works about the future, have deep resonances to today and are all great, so for some science fiction for the holidays, I recommend: “Chain Gang All Stars” by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, “Wrong Way” by Joanne McNeil, “After World” by Debbie Urbanski and “The Ascension” by Nicholas Binge.

Bonus bonus round

There were tons of great books that I wasn’t able get to yet, or to fit on the above list that deserve mention here: “Optimal Illusions” by Coco Krumme is a great considerat­ion of the relentless drive toward optimizati­on from a great mathematic­al thinker. “Disrupting D.C.,” by Katie J. Wells, Kafui Attoh and Declan Cullen, is a fantastic look at how and why Uber was able to conquer our cities. And I am looking forward to digging into “Against Techno-Ableism” by Ashley Shew, “Own This! How Platform Cooperativ­es Change the World” by R. Trebor Scholz, “The Palestine Laboratory” by Antony Loewenstei­n and “Making a Metaverse That Matters” by Wagner James Au.

 ?? Brian Merchant Los Angeles Times ?? THE YEAR’S best tech books took on the mystery of cryptocurr­ency, how influencer­s won the internet, what’s coming in artificial intelligen­ce and more.
Brian Merchant Los Angeles Times THE YEAR’S best tech books took on the mystery of cryptocurr­ency, how influencer­s won the internet, what’s coming in artificial intelligen­ce and more.

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