Los Angeles Times

Turkey advances Sweden’s NATO membership bid

After delays, Ankara relents following steps to address its security concerns and efforts on EU accession.

- By Suzan Fraser

ANKARA, Turkey — Sweden edged closer toward joining NATO after the Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Tuesday greenlight­ed a protocol for the Nordic country’s membership in the military alliance.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dropped his objection to Sweden’s membership during a NATO summit in July, but it took him several months to send the bill to parliament for ratificati­on and weeks for the parliament­ary committee to give its consent.

The long-delayed protocol now needs to be approved by the full general assembly, and it remains to be seen how quickly the issue will be taken up by the floor.

Sweden and Finland abandoned their decadeslon­g neutrality and sought membership in NATO amid heightened security concerns after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Finland became the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on’s 31st member this year, after Turkey’s parliament ratified its bid.

Hungary, the only other NATO holdout on Sweden, has not announced when the country’s ratificati­on may occur.

Here’s a look at the issues that have delayed Sweden’s entry into NATO, why Turkey finally agreed to the bid and what to expect next:

Why has Turkey delayed approving Sweden’s NATO bid?

Turkey’s opposition to Swedish membership in NATO stemmed from its belief that the Nordic country has been too soft toward supporters of Kurdish militants and other groups in Sweden that Ankara views as security threats. These include people associated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has waged a 39-year insurgency in Turkey, and people with alleged links to a coup attempt in 2016 against Erdogan’s government.

Turkey, Sweden and Finland reached an agreement last year to tackle Ankara’s security concerns, and Sweden subsequent­ly took steps to tighten its anti-terrorism laws, making support for extremist organizati­ons punishable by up to eight years in prison.

But a series of antiTurkey and anti-Islam protests held in Stockholm, some of which involved the burning of the Quran, has also angered Erdogan’s government and the Turkish public. Although these demonstrat­ions were condemned by the Swedish government, the Turkish government criticized Sweden — which has laws protecting free speech — for allowing displays of antiMuslim sentiment.

What made Turkey lift its objections?

While Sweden strengthen­ed its anti-terrorism laws to address Ankara’s security concerns, NATO agreed to establish a special coordinato­r for counter-terrorism and appointed Assistant Secretary-General Tom Goffus to the position.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenber­g said at the alliance’s summit meeting in July that Sweden had agreed “to support actively the efforts to reinvigora­te Turkey’s EU accession process.” Sweden announced it would seek improved customs arrangemen­ts and take steps to implement visa-free European travel for Turkish citizens.

Turkey’s EU membership talks came to a standstill in 2018 because of the country’s democratic backslidin­g and poor record on human rights.

This month, Erdogan openly linked Sweden’s NATO membership to Ankara’s efforts to purchase U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets and also called on Canada and other NATO allies to lift arms embargoes on Turkey.

During Tuesday’s debate at the parliament­ary committee, opposition legislator Oguz Kaan Salici questioned whether the government had received assurances from the United States concerning the F-16s’ sale.

The Biden administra­tion backs Turkey’s F-16 request, but within the U.S. Congress there is strong opposition to selling weapons to Turkey. Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 fighter jets and modernizat­ion kits for its existing fleet.

What happens now?

The approval by the parliament­ary committee paves the way for Sweden’s accession protocol to be debated and ratified by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. It would then have to be signed by Erdogan to come into effect.

It was unclear when the full assembly would debate the bill.

Erdogan’s ruling party and its allies command a majority in the 600-seat parliament. However, the Turkish president has said the decision rests with lawmakers. His ruling party’s nationalis­t allies remain uneasy with Sweden’s membership in NATO and accuse alliance members of indifferen­ce toward the PKK threat to Turkey.

This week, Kurdish militants attempted to infiltrate a Turkish base in northern Iraq, killing 12 soldiers in two days of clashes.

Islamist parties, frustrated by what they perceive to be Western nations’ silence toward Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip, may vote against the bill.

What about Hungary?

Hungary’s governing Fidesz party — led by populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is widely considered one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s only allies in the EU — has stalled Sweden’s NATO bid since July 2022, alleging that Swedish politician­s have told “blatant lies” about the condition of Hungary’s democracy.

Yet neither Orban nor his senior officials have indicated what kind of redress they require from Stockholm to allay their reservatio­ns over Sweden joining the military alliance.

Some critics have alleged that Hungary is using its potential veto power over Sweden’s accession as a tool to leverage concession­s from the European Union, which has frozen billions in funds to Budapest over concerns about minority rights and the rule of law.

Hungarian officials have said repeatedly that their country will not be the last NATO member to endorse Sweden’s bid. But Ankara’s move toward ratificati­on suggests that the time for further holdups may be running out.

Some opposition politician­s in Hungary — who have argued for immediate approval of Sweden’s bid — believe that Orban’s party is following Ankara’s timetable and will vote to approve once it seems clear that Turkey will imminently do the same.

 ?? Mindaugas Kulbis Associated Press ?? TURKISH President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has openly linked Sweden’s NATO membership to his government’s efforts to purchase U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets.
Mindaugas Kulbis Associated Press TURKISH President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has openly linked Sweden’s NATO membership to his government’s efforts to purchase U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets.

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