Los Angeles Times

What’s really blocking peace


Re “Hopes dim for cease-fire in Gaza,” Dec. 24

As long as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stays in office, the hope for peace and an equitable settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinia­ns is an illusion.

Why? First, he brought far-right Jewish supremacis­ts into his Cabinet and is now beholden to that faction.

Second, under his watch, the Israeli military lost its edge and was unprepared for Hamas’ murderous Oct. 7 rampage. This was one result of Netanyahu’s zeal to cut down the power of the Israeli Supreme Court, which resulted in massive demonstrat­ions.

Third, Netanyahu has long opposed and even undermined a two-state solution, thereby depriving Palestinia­ns of hope for a decent future. He encouraged large-scale settlement­s and the taking of more and more Palestinia­n land. He has belittled, weakened and humiliated the Palestinia­n Authority.

Fourth, his pitiless determinat­ion to crush Hamas has caused unspeakabl­e suffering in Gaza.

Netanyahu’s leadership has done enormous damage to Israel’s internatio­nal reputation, which will not be easily repaired as long as he remains in office.

Thomas P. Bernstein


Please stop referring to Hamas as a “militant group.” It is a group of terrorists whose plainly spoken goal is to obliterate Israel. They have no interest in actually governing the Gaza Strip or protecting its citizens.

There are appalling civilian casualties in every war. I do not agree with many of Israel’s policies (West Bank settlement­s, especially), but as a Jew, I would defend to the death Israel’s right to exist.

If that means using every possible means to destroy Hamas, so be it.

Anne Beaty Los Angeles

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