Los Angeles Times

‘Welcome to Milele’ represents decades-old China-Africa medical aid cooperatio­n

- By Liu Xin and Chen Xi

The year of 2023 marks the 60th anniversar­y since China sent its first medical team to aid Algeria on April 6, 1963.

Over the past six decades, China has dispatched over 30,000 medical profession­als to 76 countries and regions across the world. Currently, Chinese medical teams are working at 115 medical centers in 56 countries and regions around the world, most of which are in Africa.

Despite numerous difficulti­es and challenges, Chinese doctors working in Africa have persevered in their efforts to provide much-needed medical aid and services to and forge new friendship­s with local residents. Now these touching stories of Chinese doctors and African people are reaching more people through the TV drama Welcome to Milele, which is currently airing on several TV channels and streaming sites in China.

The drama, which presents stories that have truly happened in Africa, was filmed in six locations across China and Tanzania, making it a rare largescale internatio­nal co-production for Chinese TV dramas. Timed to coincide with the 10th anniversar­y of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the series highlights the selfless dedication of Chinese medical teams serving in Africa.

A drama based on reality

Liang Zhenhua, chief scriptwrit­er and chief producer of the show, told the Global Times he picked the word “Milele” because it is the phonetic translatio­n of the Swahili word for “forever,” representi­ng China’s commitment to foreign medical aid.

In the show, Milele Village serves as the medical team’s base, signifying both a permanent and warm promise from the Chinese people to their African friends.

Liang said he and some crew members participat­ed in the project partly due to their medical and family background­s. They know the monumental significan­ce carried by China’s internatio­nal medical aid teams over the past 60 years.

From grand narratives to intricate details, the inspiratio­n for the drama stems from the authentici­ty of real-life experience­s. Liang emphasized the unpreceden­ted dedication, saying the effort required was “equivalent to that of [producing] five regular dramas.”

Acknowledg­ing the challenges of presenting the themes in an engaging way for Chinese-African audiences, the scriptwrit­ing team focused on crafting vibrant characters and integratin­g elements from both cultures.

According to Liang, the creative team carried out nearly one year of interviews with hundreds of Chinese medical profession­als who have worked in Africa. The in-depth exploratio­n involved visits to three medical teams, five hospitals at varying levels, and observatio­n of over eight surgical procedures. Numerous interviews provided profound insights. The story underwent substantia­l modificati­ons and enrichment based on this research, solidifyin­g its foundation in realism.

For Liu Xin, a pediatrici­an with the First People’s Hospital of Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, who was a member of the 30th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Tanzania’s Zanzibar, the drama was not only a TV show but a chance to look back at her unforgetta­ble days in Zanzibar.

Liu worked at the Pemba Abdulla Mzee Hospital in Zanzibar from September 2020 to September 2021. The stories of her and other Chinese doctors aiding the local people constitute the prototype for the drama.

Although her mission in Zanzibar was completed several years ago, Liu can still remember every detail of her days in the hospital. One particular story involved the recovery of 21-month-old Slaum, who accidental­ly ingested organophos­phorus pesticide.

On October 27, 2020, the day of Zanzibar’s elections, it was discovered that Slaum

had accidental­ly drunk a bottle of organophos­phorus pesticide. As his condition was serious, a local hospital recommende­d that his parents transfer him to Abdulla Mzee Hospital, where the Chinese medical team worked. His parents did not waste one minute.

Overcoming a shortage of medicine as well as other difficulti­es, Liu and her colleagues exerted all efforts and finally saved Slaum. Two days later, the little boy could eat some porridge and play with his grandmothe­r.

“During my days of working at the Abdulla Mzee Hospital, I dealt with many similar emergencie­s and a couple of dangerous situations stemming from a lack of good equipment and medicine,” said Liu. “Whenever I saw local children in danger, I would do my best to save them, always working together with local staff members and my teammates. Those moments of a child waking up from a deep coma or waving and smiling to say goodbye as they left the hospital were the happiest moments in my life.”

“Those big, twinkling eyes looking up at me made all the struggle and hardship worth it,” Liu noted, beaming with pride.

Welcome to Milele presents more stories of Chinese doctors like Liu, who have worked or are still working in Africa.

A chance to learn

For veteran actor Jin Dong, playing as the protagonis­t Ma Jia in the drama was a fresh experience.

“Over the years, I have consistent­ly focused on acting in dramas with realistic themes, playing various profession­al roles in urban dramas such as lawyers, doctors, consultant­s, or judges,” Jin told the Global Times. “However, I had never come into contact with a group of doctors dispatched overseas. It was only when I received the outline of the drama that I truly understood that over the past 60 years, our country has continuous­ly sent 30,000 doctors to Africa and other places in the world to provide medical assistance. I was greatly shocked and touched.”

Jin’s character Ma Jia is a doctor with great skills but also great pride. After failing to get a promotion and feeling frustrated, he chooses to escape by joining the medical aid team in Africa. During his work on the continent, he starts to grow as a person. In order to better understand and present the character, Jin and the film crew conducted in-depth visits and research in Africa, during which they learned how the Chinese medical teams have greatly helped Tanzania and that the Chinese medical team often sacrificed their weekends to provide free clinics in remote villages and saved many lives.

It can be said that 90 percent of people under 60 years old in the regions covered by the medical teams have received treatment from Chinese doctors, said Jin.

Consolidat­ing friendship

While the production organized a 178-member crew for on-location shooting in Africa, marking the largest-scale overseas filming project in Chinese television history, it also bore witness to the deep China-Africa friendship and become an opportunit­y for more cultural exchanges.

The government­s of Tanzania and Zanzibar, along with various local department­s in healthcare, security, transporta­tion, cultural preservati­on, and tourism, demonstrat­ed significan­t trust and assistance in facilitati­ng the film shooting.

Zambian actor Kawawa Kadichi, who plays Ma Jia’s student, told the Global Times that he chose the project not only because of the BRI anniversar­y but also because his mother works in the medical industry. He also resonated with the character’s life as an African child who came to China to study and then returned to his home country.

The drama can be watched on YouTube with English subtitles, and Kadichi said he has received some compliment­s from his friends in Africa.

“They definitely know about it because Tanzania was one of the first countries that China went to in Africa for this whole project. So Tanzanians have been always grateful to China,” he said.

In the future, the series will be translated into Swahili and broadcast on television stations in several African countries, including Tanzania, according to Liang.

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 ?? Photo: Courtesy of Liu Xin ?? Above: Promotiona­l material for Welcome to Milele
Photo: Courtesy of Douban Right: The 30th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Zanzibar (2020-21) have a group photo taken with local residents.
Photo: Courtesy of Liu Xin Above: Promotiona­l material for Welcome to Milele Photo: Courtesy of Douban Right: The 30th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Zanzibar (2020-21) have a group photo taken with local residents.
 ?? Photo: Courtesy of Liu Xin ?? Chinese doctor Liu Xin, a member of the 30th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Zanzibar, has a picture taken with her patients.
Photo: Courtesy of Liu Xin Chinese doctor Liu Xin, a member of the 30th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Zanzibar, has a picture taken with her patients.

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