Los Angeles Times

South Korea passes dog meat ban

Production and sale to be prohibited amid concern over animal rights, nation’s image.

- By Hyung-Jin Kim Kim writes for the Associated Press.

SEOUL — South Korea’s parliament Tuesday passed a landmark ban on the production and sale of dog meat, as public calls for a prohibitio­n have grown sharply over concerns about animal rights and the country’s internatio­nal image.

Some angry dog farmers said they planned to challenge the bill’s constituti­onality and hold protest rallies, a sign of continued debate over a ban.

After a three-year grace period, the bill would make the breeding and slaughteri­ng of dogs and the sale of their meat for human consumptio­n illegal from 2027 and punishable by two to three years in prison. It doesn’t provide any penalties for eating dog meat.

Dog meat consumptio­n, a centuries-old practice on the Korean peninsula, is neither explicitly banned nor legalized in South Korea. Recent surveys show that more than half of South Koreans want dog meat banned and a majority no longer eat it. But 1 in every 3 South Koreans still opposes a ban even though they don’t consume it.

The National Assembly passed the bill in a 208-0 vote. It will become law after being endorsed by the Cabinet Council and signed by President Yoon Suk-yeol, considered formalitie­s since his government supports the ban.

“This law is aimed at contributi­ng to realizing the values of animal rights, which pursue respect for life and a harmonious co-existence between humans and animals,” the legislatio­n says.

The bill offers assistance to dog farmers and others in the industry in shutting down their businesses and shifting to alternativ­es. Details are to be worked out among government officials, farmers, experts and animal rights activists.

Dozens of animal rights activists gathered at the National Assembly to celebrate the bill’s passage. They carried large photos of dogs, chanted slogans and held placards reading: “Dog meat-free Korea is coming.”

Humane Society Internatio­nal called the legislatio­n’s passage “history in the making.”

“I never thought I would see in my lifetime a ban on the cruel dog meat industry in South Korea, but this historic win for animals is testament to the passion and determinat­ion of our animal protection movement,” said JungAh Chae, executive director of HSI’s Korea office.

Dogs are also eaten in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, North Korea and in some African countries. But South Korea’s dog meat industry has drawn more attention because of the country’s reputation as a cultural and economic powerhouse. It’s also the only nation with industrial-scale dog farms. Most farms in South Korea raise about 500 dogs, but one visited by the Associated Press in July had about 7,000.

Farmers were extremely upset by the bill’s passage.

“This is a clear case of state violence as they are infringing on our freedom to choose our occupation. We can’t just sit by idly,” said Son Won-hak, a farmer and former leader of a farmers’ associatio­n.

Son said dog farmers would file a petition with the Constituti­onal Court of Korea and hold demonstrat­ions. He said farmers would meet Wednesday to discuss other steps.

Activists and farmers say hundreds of thousands of dogs are slaughtere­d for meat each year.

The anti-dog-meat campaign received a huge boost from the country’s first lady, Kim Keon-hee, who has repeatedly expressed her support for a prohibitio­n. She has become the subject of withering criticism and crude insults during demonstrat­ions by farmers.

The legislatio­n doesn’t spell out how dog farmers and others in the industry would be supported. Agricultur­e Minister Song Mi-ryung said Tuesday that the government would try to formulate reasonable assistance programs for them.

Ju Yeong-bong, an official with the farmers associatio­n, said most farmers are in their 60s to 80s and hope to keep their businesses going until older people, their main customer base, die off. But Ju said the legislatio­n would “strip them of their right to live” because it would probably end up offering assistance only for dismantlin­g their facilities and for transition­s, without compensati­on for giving up their dogs.

Son said many older dog farmers are willing to close their farms if proper financial compensati­on is provided because of the extremely negative public view of their jobs.

Cheon JinKyung, head of Korea Animal Rights Advocates in Seoul, accused farmers of demanding unrealisti­cally high compensati­on. She said compensati­on based on the number of dogs owned by farmers wouldn’t be accepted, but acknowledg­ed that payments would probably be a major issue.

Ordinary citizens were split over the ban.

“Dogs are different from cows, chickens and pigs,” said Kim Myung-ae, a 58year-old Seoul resident. “Why would you still eat dogs when they are now seen more as family-like pets than food?”

Another Seoul resident, Jeong Yoon-hee, disagreed, saying whether to eat dog meat is a matter of personal choice and dietary culture. “Dogs are dogs, not humans,” she said.

 ?? Ahn Young-joon Associated Press ?? ANIMAL RIGHTS activists stage a rally opposing the culture of eating dog meat on Monday in Seoul. Parliament has endorsed legislatio­n outlawing consumptio­n.
Ahn Young-joon Associated Press ANIMAL RIGHTS activists stage a rally opposing the culture of eating dog meat on Monday in Seoul. Parliament has endorsed legislatio­n outlawing consumptio­n.

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