Los Angeles Times

Phone baloney? Perhaps

- Email questions to Amy Dickinson at askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

Dear Amy: My teenage daughter recently came to me saying that she needed a new smartphone. I took a look, and hers was basically smashed. She said she was at her friend’s house when this happened.

I called the friend’s mom and she told me both girls had deliberate­ly broken their phones in order to get new ones (this was before Christmas, so I guess they hoped to find a shiny new phone in their stockings).

I asked my daughter what had happened and she said, “It just fell onto the driveway.” She didn’t seem too concerned. I asked her if she had done this on purpose and she said no.

My wife and I can’t quite decide what to do now. She is in favor of getting her a new phone, but I don’t want to reward this behavior. Broke Dad

Dear Dad:

Unless you have purchased insurance, replacing this broken phone could be a very expensive propositio­n.

I do believe that it is something of a safety issue for a teen to have a phone these days, and because of that, she should have one.

However, until you/she are eligible for a free upgrade for the latest model, you can offer to purchase a much less expensive flip phone for her to use until she can afford the phone she wants. (Flip phones are cool! They’re vintage! They’re so very ’90s!)

I think it’s important that your daughter should ultimately pay for the replacemen­t — or negotiate a partial payment with you and her mom. Experienci­ng the consequenc­es of this incident should inspire her to be more careful.

Dear Amy:

“Patricia” and I have known each other for several years. We have always referred to one another as “best friends.”

A while back, I found out that she did something horrible to a family member of mine, and I was furious.

I didn’t speak to her for several months and started to make plans to confront her about what she’d done.

Before I could confront her, she found out that her boyfriend flirted with me.

He did flirt with me, but I just ignored him and didn’t say anything to her about it.

Now Patty blames me for all the emotional turmoil she is going through.

This is absurd! I am so sick of her throwing shade at me! Should I confront her about it? Over It

Dear Over It:

I’m going to go out on a limb and declare that you and Patty are not actually best friends, and perhaps never have been.

Intimate friends tell each other the truth — even when it is challengin­g or painful.

You state that Patty did a horrible thing to a family member of yours, yet you ghosted her for months instead of communicat­ing.

Patty is blaming you for the fallout from something her boyfriend did. Casting blame without pursuing an explanatio­n is not how friends behave and communicat­e with one another.

It seems obvious that your friendship is broken. Given that you have no stated desire to try to repair it, dredging up these episodes might give you two yet another point of conflict.

I understand the desire to set the record straight when it comes to your conduct and whatever untruths are told about you. Remember that anything you say or write can be dredged up and used against you (or as a way to keep this conflict going) on social media. Make your decision understand­ing the possible consequenc­es.

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