Los Angeles Times

Nearly 50,000 victims of Uganda rebel awarded $56 million

Commander of Lord’s Resistance Army was convicted of murders and recruiting of child soldiers and rapes.


THE HAGUE — Judges at the Internatio­nal Criminal Court on Wednesday granted reparation­s of more than $56 million to thousands of victims of a convicted commander in the shadowy Ugandan rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army.

The nearly 50,000 victims covered by the order included former child soldiers and children born as a result of rapes and forced pregnancie­s.

Dominic Ongwen was convicted three years ago of 61 offenses, including murders, rapes, forced marriages and recruiting child soldiers in 2002-05. An ICC appeals panel upheld his conviction­s and 25-year sentence in late 2022, setting the stage for an order for reparation­s.

“Tens of thousands of individual­s suffered tremendous harm due to the unimaginab­le atrocities committed” as rebel fighters led by Ongwen attacked four camps for displaced people in northern Uganda, said Presiding Judge Bertram Schmitt.

“Similarly, over 100 women and girls and thousands of children, boys and girls under the age of 15 suffered profound, multifacet­ed harm as a result of being kidnapped,” he said.

Ongwen was not in court for the reparation­s hearing. Although he is considered liable for the reparation­s, the court ruled that he is indigent and said the reparation­s will be paid by a trust fund for victims set up by the court’s member states.

Schmitt said victims would each receive $812 as a “symbolic award” while other reparation­s would come in the form of community-based rehabilita­tion programs.

Evidence at Ongwen’s trial establishe­d that female civilians captured by the LRA were turned into sex slaves and wives for fighters. The LRA made children into soldiers. Men, women and children were murdered in attacks on camps for internally displaced people.

The LRA began its attacks in Uganda in the 1980s, when one of the court’s most-wanted fugitives, Joseph Kony, sought to overthrow the government. After being pushed out of Uganda, the militia terrorized villages in Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan.

Ongwen was among those abducted by the militia led by Kony. As a 9-yearold boy, he was transforme­d into a child soldier and later a senior commander responsibl­e for attacks on camps for displaced civilians in northern Uganda in the early 2000s.

Defense lawyers portrayed him as a victim of LRA atrocities. But the judge who presided over his trial called Ongwen “a fully responsibl­e adult” when he committed his crimes.

Kony, whose whereabout­s are unknown, faces 36 charges, including murder, torture, rape, persecutio­n and enslavemen­t.

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