Los Angeles Times

Not bad for 81 — or any age

Re “What a doctor sees when the president hesitates,” Opinion, March 7


Thanks to Dr. Daniel Stone, a geriatrici­an, for his understand­able and clear explanatio­n of an older person’s mind. I’m 76, and I get mad when people mock President Biden because he’s 81. I’m proud of him for doing such a difficult job — and that he even wants to do it. I feel like he’s our only barrier to an accused criminal taking over American government. Why isn’t that obvious?

I taught for 40 years, and I see when somebody knows what he’s talking about. It’s pretty obvious that former President Trump knows nothing and doesn’t want to learn. Last Thursday, I watched Biden make sense for more than an hour in his State of the Union address. That’s good enough for me.

Hang in there, Mr. President. Cheryl Clark, Long Beach

I am a lifelong Democrat who is strongly against Biden seeking a second term.

He has reached the pinnacle of government after serving our country for decades. For the sake of the nation and his place in history, he should announce he is no longer a candidate for the presidency and serve out his term with grace and his legacy intact. The torch must be passed.

I can’t help but think of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who had been quite ill and refused to step down before President Obama left office. What did we reap?

With Biden’s approval rating so low, I am in terror of the president’s ego leading to the election of a ranting, unhinged demagogue. I shudder to think what awaits us.

Please, Mr. President, retire with the grace and dignity you have displayed throughout your political career. A grateful nation awaits your magnanimou­s decision.

Judith Kaplan Los Angeles

A big thank you to Dr. Stone for laying out in plain English the challenges faced by both major party presidenti­al candidates (and most of us) as age encroaches on our mental abilities.

His piece reminds me of something I’ve been thinking for many months: I’d much rather have a president who takes three hours to make a good decision than one who takes three seconds to make a bad one. Brad Golstein Woodland Hills

 ?? Andrew Harnik Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT BIDEN delivers the State of the Union address, his final before the election, to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday.
Andrew Harnik Associated Press PRESIDENT BIDEN delivers the State of the Union address, his final before the election, to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday.

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