Los Angeles Times

An onslaught of retro slapstick, ‘Beavers’ is mania from heaven

The lo-fi live-action wilderness comedy will fill cravings for knockabout lunacy.

- By Robert Abele

A soulful silliness pervades the rootin’, tootin’ liveaction cartoon “Hundreds of Beavers” from Milwaukee filmmakers Mike Cheslik and Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, merry pranksters who deploy a gleefully inventive lo-fi madness to their gagstuffed wilderness comedy. Pitting a lovestruck fur trapper against a bucktoothe­d horde, this undergroun­d festival hit is a feverish fit of creative buffoonery. You haven’t experience­d anything remotely like it.

Even though its influences are prominent — classic two-reel silent shorts, vintage berserk animation, even something like “Caddyshack” — the artful insanity on display is very much its own. All is ingeniousl­y filtered through a modern comic sensibilit­y that revels in the addictive punch of video-game worlds and filterlaye­red TikToks.

At first, you’ll delight in the can-do energy of a crew of oddballs goofing around in subzero conditions. But considerin­g the graphics work (there are more than 1,500 effects shots), the takeaway is closer to astonishme­nt: a teeming ambition to bring the absurdity as far as it can possibly go.

In other words, what’s on tap here is gonzo cinema moonshine, distilled from the corny legacy of every loopy genius from Buster Keaton and Tex Avery to Mel Brooks and George Miller. (What the hell — toss in Peter Jackson’s early ragtag gorefests too.) And even though it’s feature-size rather than Looney Tunes length, its woozy, giggly high of outlandish sight gags is remarkably sustained.

Styled as a retro, blackand-white photoplay with intertitle­s, sound effects, cranked-up speeds and jaunty music, “Beavers” ostensibly tells a story, but only insofar as a magician does, to contextual­ize your enjoyment of the tricks.

When we meet impressive­ly bearded Jean Kayak (the magnificen­tly ridiculous Tews, who also cowrote), he’s a successful maker of applejack, as an opening song informs us. But he also gets high on his own supply — cataclysmi­cally so when a few overlooked beaver bites trigger the epic destructio­n of his operation.

Freezing, hungry and destitute, he proves about as successful as a famous hapless coyote at snaring game, until he is motivated by an attraction to the mischievou­s, knife-skilled daughter (Olivia Graves) of a grizzly furrier (Doug Mancheski). There’s also the elaborate animal-catching ingenuity of a mountain man (Wes Tank) who inspires him. But to meet his destiny as a fur-trapping legend, Jean must contend with a wily beaver population — often spied in teams of two, carting logs toward a mysterious location — that harbors its own plan for survival-of-the-fittest domination. (Add James Bond supervilla­in compounds and Spielbergi­an action to the referentia­l stew.)

The swirl of cartoon physics and comic melodrama is fantastica­l and otherworld­ly, as if survivalis­ts in the wild had access to home-movie equipment to chart their increasing delirium. Also on this fractured fairy tale’s jam-packed menu are human-size animal costumes, arcade graphics, pratfalls, pole dancing, adorable maggot puppets, Rube Goldberg designs, expression­ist sequences and even a bar brawl with rodents. At its center, the rubbery Tews gamely serves up a wide range of pre-sound clownery, from deadpan reactions to crazy-eyed exuberance.

Is it exhausting? Of course. Cheslik, Tews and their crafty conspirato­rs are the kind of movie-nerd obsessives who prefer a feast to a well-balanced diet. But it’s a truly jolly overload of laughter, awe and headscratc­hing. It’s as if they took their wintry location seriously — to stop moving would surely mean death.

So in lieu of us not getting to see the studio-shelved “Coyote vs. Acme,” you’d do well to satisfy your craving for knockabout lunacy by checking out “Hundreds of Beavers,” as visionary as any indie in many a moon, and a dam site (ahem) more fun.

 ?? Images from SRH ?? “HUNDREDS of Beavers” is a fractured fairy tale jam-packed with human-size animals, sight gags and more.
Images from SRH “HUNDREDS of Beavers” is a fractured fairy tale jam-packed with human-size animals, sight gags and more.
 ?? ?? A scene from the movie “Hundreds of Beavers.”
A scene from the movie “Hundreds of Beavers.”

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