Los Angeles Times

Blame the media for the Kate frenzy


Re “Kate’s astounding video marks a royal resolution,” Perspectiv­es, March 25

Thank you for recognizin­g that the Princess of Wales’ statement did not include “battle language.”

So many cancer patients, my late wife included, despise the idea that patients must “fight” in order to “win” against their cancer. The recognitio­n that cancer is not a foreign pathogen but a problem that comes from one’s own cells dividing uncontroll­ably is an important one. For the people that die from cancer: Did they not fight hard enough, since they somehow lost their “war”? I appreciate you noticing this important facet of Catherine’s video. Brent Samuel Playa Vista

I find it fascinatin­g that the media will not assume any responsibi­lity for creating or continuing the drama around Kate Middleton’s health problems.

Maybe the royals’ PR staff didn’t handle it as well as they could have, but the news, social media and internet did not have to constantly speculate and then regurgitat­e whatever was said or posted.

It is a sad commentary on what we, as a society, have become: petty, selfcenter­ed people who are bored with our lives and assume no responsibi­lity for our actions.

The media continue to blame the palace for mishandlin­g the situation and frequently, any apology is watered down and sandwiched between justificat­ions.

Maybe if we shut down our technology and went outside for a walk more often, we would have no need for this behavior at any level. We might actually become nice people. Is that too much to ask for? Maggie Lott


It has become a given that the media always want to blame everyone but themselves.

Instead of blaming people for not wanting to share everything in their lives, the media should look into the mirror and see why they feel the need to deflect their own complicity. You are the problem — your thirsts for views, for recognitio­n, your need for validation. Not your need for compassion, understand­ing and good judgment.

Bob Thomas Danville

It was with strength, courage and great resolve that Middleton delivered a heartbreak­ing message of her recent cancer diagnosis.

And no doubt she will get through her treatment with dignity and grace.

JoAnn Lee Frank

Clearwater, Fla.

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