Los Angeles Times

L.A. should stop playing games


Re “Olympic planning runs into transit hurdle,” April 3

Thank you for the excellent update on planning for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, also known as former Mayor Eric Garcetti’s boondoggle.

It’s shameful, but unsurprisi­ng, that L.A. appealed to the Biden administra­tion to provide more than $300 million to help with the Games.

Any request for federal funds should be preceded by compliance with the National Environmen­tal Policy Act (NEPA), which would require studying the Games’ anticipate­d exacerbati­on of the climate crisis. NEPA would also require evaluation of alternativ­es to the “project,” and the preferred ought to be “none,” or no project.

The Olympic spectacle benefits the wealthy few at the expense of the rest of us. Our mayor needs to focus on existing problems such as the apparent disposable outcasts among us. We should not gamble with bankruptcy due to our puerile addiction to “games” that distract us from the existentia­l threats that the elite would rather we ignored.

Robert Leyland Monefeldt Los Angeles

Amid all the bad news about wars and the climate, how delightful it is to see the great news that L.A. is trying to double its bus fleet in time for the Olympics.

Good luck to all those working to procure the funds, but please, once the Games are over, keep the buses. Doubling our fleet could do more for traffic abatement, affordabil­ity, climate change and future livability than any other action our city could take.

Truly, the only opposition to this civic improvemen­t would have to be from the car manufactur­ers and oil companies.

Douglas Green

Sherman Oaks

The article reports that 2,700 buses are needed to solve the transporta­tion problem for the upcoming 2028 Summer Olympics. Perhaps this problem can be solved less expensivel­y and by connecting with local schools and students.

Assemble school buses and create wraps for them, designed through contests in the schools. It is neat to see your art go down the street. There are more than 3,500 buses in the L.A. Unified School District’s fleet.

We need ways to involve Angelenos in this event, ways to make us truly feel like we are hosting the Olympics.

Cheryl Younger

Los Angeles

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