Los Angeles Times

Canceling speech was a mistake that USC can correct

- By David N. Myers and Salam Al-Marayati David N. Myers is distinguis­hed professor of Jewish history at UCLA. Salam Al-Marayati is the president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

USC’s decision to rescind valedictor­ian Asna Tabassum’s invitation to speak at its commenceme­nt no doubt resulted from a range of pressures from inside and outside the university, particular­ly the outcry over the student’s expression­s of support for Palestinia­ns. Provost Andrew T. Guzman wrote that he acted in the face of “substantia­l risks relating to security and disruption at commenceme­nt.”

Particular­ly since Oct. 7, university administra­tors have tough jobs requiring them to balance commitment­s to free speech, a vibrant and respectful academic culture, and campus safety. That said, USC made the wrong decision.

University officials evidently calculated that they would prefer taking heat for canceling Tabassum’s speech to doing what they have done for over a century: giving the valedictor­ian the opportunit­y to share her insights with the USC community.

What exactly was the risk of abiding by this valuable and timehonore­d tradition? After all, U.S. presidents are invited to give commenceme­nt addresses at universiti­es every year, necessitat­ing far more security than any other speaker. Surely the threats posed to Tabassum can’t be graver than those facing a president of the United States.

Could it be that the risks motivating administra­tors included the prospect that the valedictor­ian might criticize Israel’s war in Gaza or express sympathy for the Palestinia­n people? If so, their tolerance for voices that roil the establishm­ent has sadly disappeare­d.

We will not move past the crisis of the moment by silencing those with whom we disagree. The university is exactly the sort of place where such views must be heard. Otherwise, it is not a university.

Universiti­es should resist the toxic political culture that locks us in our echo chambers, where we are exposed only to those views that are to our liking. Students shouldn’t become passive followers who seek a diploma just to get a job. We want and need our students to be leaders; they need to encounter divergent and challengin­g perspectiv­es that allow for innovation and the production of knowledge that can serve society.

An important point is often lost in the shrillness of public debate: It is legitimate to call for the liberation of Palestinia­ns who have been deprived of the right of self-determinat­ion — which is precisely what Israel represents for Jews — since 1948, even if reasonable people can disagree about how that should be achieved. It is also legitimate to express grave concern about a war that has killed more than 33,000, many of them children, and displaced most of Gaza’s population.

These arguments are deeply discomfiti­ng to many, especially students, staff and faculty who identify with Israel. And if the valedictor­ian were to articulate these claims in her commenceme­nt speech, it would be uncomforta­ble for some, perhaps many. But controvers­y is hardly unheard of or inappropri­ate in commenceme­nt addresses and decisions about who delivers them.

Graduation speakers have seized the pulpit to speak truth to power during some of the most tumultuous times in our country. At Vassar College’s 1970 commenceme­nt ceremony, it was probably uncomforta­ble for many in the audience, particular­ly the men, when Gloria Steinem declared that “much of the trouble this country is in has to do with the Masculine Mystique: the idea that manhood somehow depends on the subjugatio­n of other people.” And many in the audience of UC Berkeley’s 1966 law school commenceme­nt were likely uncomforta­ble when valedictor­ian Michael Tigar devoted his speech to Vietnam, proclaimin­g: “War is the enemy of political freedom.”

But given the tedium that so often characteri­zes commenceme­nt speeches, controvers­ial ones may be more in line with the rightful function of universiti­es.

It is not too late for USC to correct its error. It would do justice to Tabassum, who is by all accounts an exceptiona­l, passionate, compassion­ate student. And it would show confidence in the university as a forum that can withstand — and even benefit from — controvers­ial and challengin­g speech.

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