Los Angeles Times

Amend the 2nd Amendment


Re “Columbine was 25 years ago. Is such violence normal now?” Opinion, April 19

Twenty-five years after the Columbine High School mass shooting in Colorado, gun violence is the leading cause of death among children and teens. This is truly an abominatio­n. Our children should grow up feeling safe.

I grew up in the United Kingdom, where gun violence is very rare.

I believe it’s time to amend the 2nd Amendment. When people put principles or rules ahead of life, there is something horribly wrong.

I understand that in America, there are situations and circumstan­ces where people should have access to guns. People hunt for their food. People live in rural areas, far from a police presence.

But surely, wise and conscienti­ous people can amend the Constituti­on so that our children are protected and the people who do need access to guns can get them. Or are we just not that smart?

David Tempest

Mar Vista

When I saw the op-ed article by gun violence researcher Sonali Rajan, I almost didn’t read it. I have grown numb and weary when it comes to our leaders’ apathy and resistance to addressing this problem.

It is mind-boggling that since the Columbine shooting in 1999, firearms are now the leading cause of death among all children and teens in the United States. It reminds me of the song by Peter, Paul and Mary, though with a new line:

“Where have all the children gone?”

Christine Koch Pasadena

As a school counselor for 35 years, I worked with very angry students. Poor school performanc­e or experience with unloving parents makes children feel bad about themselves. This creates anger and a need to strike back.

Based on my experience, I believe that children who become angry develop this trait by the third grade. So, we have to start providing counseling to children at a very young age.

I have done that for many years and have been able to help children change their attitudes and beliefs about themselves. They become happier and do better in school.

People who are angry and think badly of themselves hurt others. Some may do it with words, and sadly, some do it with guns. Unfortunat­ely, laws restrictin­g access to guns will never stop angry kids from wanting to hurt others, so schools must provide counselors starting in kindergart­en.

Royce Daniels Laguna Hills

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