Los Gatos Weekly Times

San Jose to VTA: Don’t divert roadway funds

- By Maggie Angst

San Jose leaders want to squash an effort backed by a vocal group of residents, environmen­talists and transit advocates to divert voter-approved transporta­tion funding away from repaving roads and toward expanding public transit.

The city council on Jan. 28 voted 7-2 to send a letter to the Valley Transporta­tion Authority Board of Directors urging them against shifting any money from the funding priorities promised to Santa Clara County voters with the 2016 transporta­tion sales tax, Measure B. Councilmem­bers Raul Peralez and Sergio Jimenez dissented.

At a public meeting in December, advocates began by lobbying the VTA’S board of directors to put more Measure B funding into expanding bus routes and services across the county.

Measure B — a half-cent countywide sales tax to repave roads, improve transit operations, widen highways and build tunnels and bridges over Caltrain tracks — passed in 2016 with support from nearly 72 percent of county voters.

The measure — expected to generate $6.3 million over its 30-year span — set aside $1.5 billion to expand BART through downtown San Jose, $1.5 million to reduce connection and widen county expressway­s, $1.2 million for repairing local roads and $500 million to increase bus frequency within the county. But it also gave leaders the ability to shift funding if they deemed it necessary.

Proponents of the reallocati­on say that it would demonstrat­e regional leaders’ commitment to combatting climate change and getting residents out of vehicles and onto buses and trains.

“Cuts in transit service over the past 20 years have systematic­ally reduced transit options and severely reduced ridership,” said Judy Purrington, a San Jose resident and frequent user of VTA buses and light rail. “We all pay the transit sales tax, and we all should have good access and opportunit­y to stay out of the traffic gridlock and travel with a lighter carbon footprint.”

Despite arguments from nearly two dozen voters, the majority of the council members worried that shifting the Measure B funding priorities would tarnish their reputation with voters.

Although Measure B was passed in 2016, a lawsuit kept the money tied up until last year. With only about one year into using the 30-year funding source, Mayor Sam Liccardo said that it was too soon to have this conversati­on.

“I appreciate that there are many folks who think they could have done better, but it is fundamenta­lly disempower­ing to community and democratic processes whenever we engage in that much outreach and that much engagement and then within a year of us being able to spend these dollars, we say that’s not exactly what we meant,” Liccardo said.

In about five weeks, the city will go to the voters with hopes that they can pass Measure E — a real estate property transfer tax that could raise tens of millions of dollars a year to fund affordable housing projects in San Jose.

With the city’s Measure E on the March 2020 ballot and a statewide $100 billion transporta­tion sales tax, dubbed Faster Bay Area, planned for November 2020 ballot, city councilmem­bers said now is no time to pull a “bait-andswitch” and risk losing the trust of voters.

“We have other measures that are going to the ballot — both regionally about transit and locally about other issues, that if we pull out the rug under the voters now, we directly imperil the passage of those measures,” Councilmem­ber Dev Davis said during the meeting.

The VTA board, which is made up primarily of city council members from across the county and county supervisor­s, has yet to put the discussion on an agenda for an upcoming meeting. Liccardo and four San Jose city council members — Lan Diep, Magdalena Carrasco, Davis and Raul Peralez — are members of the board.

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