Los Gatos Weekly Times

Google leader says mixed-use village will be built

- By George Avalos gavalos @bayareanew­sgroup.com

SAN JOSE >> A top executive of Google's parent company Alphabet has made it clear that the tech titan still aims to build a mixed-use neighborho­od in downtown San Jose.

Ruth Porat, president and chief investment officer with Alphabet, was a featured speaker over the weekend at the first of what's expected to be a series of block parties — known as Creekside Socials — that Google and real estate developer Jamestown are planning to bring people to the area where the search giant's transit village is to be constructe­d.

Downtown West, as the future neighborho­od is known, is slated to rise near the Diridon train station and SAP Center on the western edges of downtown San Jose.

“Here in Downtown West, with input from San Jose residents, businesses and civic leaders, we have created a multi-decade opportunit­y and developmen­t plan,” Porat said at the block party on Saturday. “We did that because we believe in the people who live here, who work here and are committed to being here in San Jose.”

The comments come months after Google said it was reassessin­g the developmen­t timeline for Downtown West, an adjustment the company confirmed to this news organizati­on in February and one that set off speculatio­n the tech giant might back out of the project.

Before the shift, Google had indicated it expected to break ground this year, although it never defined a clear timeline. Google is expected to build extensive infrastruc­ture, including an energy plant, to support the developmen­t before the first

buildings are constructe­d.

The company has not specified a new timeline, but Porat joining other top-level executives at the Saturday event was a clear bid to publicly signal the Google fully intends to build the gamechangi­ng project.

“Google having Ruth Porat at the event shows a high-level commitment to the Downtown West project,” said Bob Staedler, principal executive with Silicon Valley Synergy, a land-use consultanc­y. “We will see if this changes the narrative on Downtown West.”

Google's transit village — in a formerly industrial area of nondescrip­t buildings — is expected to accommodat­e up to 7.3 million square feet of offices, 4,000 residentia­l units, 500,000 square feet of retail space that would include shops and restaurant­s, 300 hotel rooms and 15 acres of open space. Google expects to employ up

to 20,000 of its workers in the new neighborho­od.

“We are going to continue to see the developmen­t of some really exciting efforts, office developmen­t, residentia­l housing, and something I am particular­ly excited about — acres of public space,” Porat said.

The social event also drew U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, the longtime South Bay Democrat whose district includes San Jose.

“The CEO and the executives have promised us that although the developmen­t has been slightly delayed, it is not in doubt,” Lofgren

said in a speech at the block party.

Lofgren also announced that the philanthro­pic arm of Google is awarding a $250,000 grant to People Assisting the Homeless, or PATH, to address the local homelessne­ss crisis.

The just-completed initial Creekside Socials event is just one way Google aims to create lively streetscap­es and building uses prior to the official start of the Downtown West developmen­t, in Lofgren's view.

“In the meantime, we will have exciting activities in the area that Google has acquired for that developmen­t, and this is part of it,” Lofgren said.

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan said during a speech that he appreciate­s Google's efforts to scout for ways to activate the Downtown West area. The mayor noted the city's downtown faces an uphill climb to rebound in the wake of coronaviru­slinked business shutdowns imposed by state and local government agencies that largely emptied the downtown of office workers, dining patrons and shoppers.

“We are working very hard to get our downtown to be vibrant again,” Mahan said. “We lost those office workers, but they are slowly coming back. As we come out of the pandemic, people are yearning for community. They want to connect with people face-to-face like we are doing today.”

An estimated 1,300 people RSVP'D for the event, Google executives said Saturday. The company officials estimated about 250 to 300 people were present each hour at the Creekside Socials event.

Mahan believes Google's community-oriented approach to the Downtown West developmen­t is what San Jose is seeking from the tech company. “We couldn't ask for a partner that is more innovative, forward-looking, holistic-thinking and community-oriented than Google,” Mahan said.

Details of the pre-developmen­t street and building activation­s weren't immediatel­y available. Porat, however, did point to some specific endeavors in the works.

The tech company is working with area nonprofits, Porat said, including Local Color, Year Up and Good Karma Bikes, which has moved into a building across the street from Diridon Station. Good Karma is already a Google tenant. Local Color helps artists in the region find places and ways to display their crafts.

“We are going to be preserving the historic San Jose Water Company building,” Porat said. “We are working with local artists to bring their work to the site.”

 ?? ?? Ruth Porat, president and chief investment officer of Google owner Alphabet, talks to people gathered at the Creekside Socials block party in the footprint of Google's proposed transit-oriented village near the Diridon train station in downtown San Jose on Saturday.
Ruth Porat, president and chief investment officer of Google owner Alphabet, talks to people gathered at the Creekside Socials block party in the footprint of Google's proposed transit-oriented village near the Diridon train station in downtown San Jose on Saturday.
 ?? PHOTOS BY GEORGE AVALOS — STAFF ?? People engage in activities as part of the Creekside Socials block party in downtown San Jose on Saturday.
PHOTOS BY GEORGE AVALOS — STAFF People engage in activities as part of the Creekside Socials block party in downtown San Jose on Saturday.

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