Loveland Reporter-Herald

Try different sources of news


Tucker Carlson has now been telling his audience that Jan. 6 was a peaceful demonstrat­ion, and not the insurrecti­on that it truly was. After being outed and proven to be liar and hypocrite in the Fox-dominion lawsuit with respect to the Big Lie that Trump won the election, Carlson continues to lie using the exclusive materials handed to him by a pandering, unethical Kevin Mccarthy (but that’s another letter) to falsely discredit the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on. If all you watch is Fox News, or heaven forbid the diatribe dumps of OAN and Newsmax, you are probably not aware of the truth, and you have been lied to and manipulate­d over a long period of time with alternativ­e facts and conspiracy theories.

If you want the truth, I recommend watching or reading CNN, BBC, CBC, DW, AP Reuters, CBS, ABC, NBC, Newsnation, etc. There are a lot more of these consistent news sources than there are widespread rightwing “false” news sources. Many Fox News watchers will likely not watch or read any of these new sources, but they are likely to read what I’m saying here, so maybe this is a crack in your armor.

I will make a challenge to the Fox Newsies. Do you have the courage to cross that line in the sand to seek the truth by looking at other media as outlined above? Do you have the personal integrity to admit that you have been constantly lied to? As it states in John 8:31-32, “the truth will set you free.” So, seek the truth and come out of your disinforma­tion bubble. Truth is the way we preserve our democracy from those who would seek to destroy it for their own personal gain.

— Paul Mccarter, Loveland

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