Loveland Reporter-Herald

MAGA supporters esnared in Trump cult


Many MAGA supporters were probably decent people who were drawn to the MAGA slogan. Their error was to believe Trump’s lies that America was no longer a great country and that only he could restore America to greatness. The MAGAS were easily duped and eagerly joined in Trump’s election theft lies. Decency was short lived when MAGA became the Trump personalit­y cult.

The degree to which the MAGAS had been seduced by Trump’s lies was shown by the ease with which Trump turned a MAGA crowd into the MAGA mob that attacked Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, to prevent the peaceful, constituti­onal transition of power. That day Trump and the MAGAS betrayed our Constituti­on and our country. They sought to violently overthrow the election and to replace the rule of law with the rule of Trump.

MAGAS only purpose is to make Trump president. To that end threats of violence, violent attacks on Capitol police, irrational claims of election theft, scheming to overturn an election, chronic deception, fake electors and insurrecti­on were among the means employed by the MAGAS. Trump continues to threaten revenge against those who dare to disagree with him. Trump asserted in court that he never swore to support the Constituti­on; however, in his oath of office he swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constituti­on of the United States so help me God.” Trump asserts that, as president, he would have the right to violate any law with impunity.

MAGA’S are ensnared in an immoral personalit­y cult that values deceit, intimidati­on and violence and seeks unrestrain­ed presidenti­al power. It was disappoint­ing that so many Colorado Republican­s endorsed this with their votes for Trump in the Republican primary.

Republican­s should consider what Benjamin Franklin published so long ago: “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise with fleas.”

— Ralph Jacobs, Loveland

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