Malvern Daily Record

Re-elect Sheriff Mike Cash

- Cash

I have had the pleasure of serving the citizens of Arkansas in law enforcemen­t for 38 years, the last 5 1/2 as your sheriff. I have the following certificat­es issued by the commission of law enforcemen­t standards; basic, general, intermedia­te, advanced, senior, level one chief, level two chief, senior chief, radar operator and radar instructor, profession instructor, and firearms instructor. I also have over 2000 hours of law enforcment instructio­n.

My opponent wants to make an issue out of my removal of radar units from patrol cars. The reason for the removal is simple. We could not find the certificat­ion on any radar when I took office. We contacted the company Malvern PD uses to certify the calibratio­n of their units and antennas. The company sent a technician to check the radars, and NONE would pass inspection. They were then removed. The cost to put a new radar in each patrol car would be about $45,000. We simply do not have the money in our budget. Using the old uncertifie­d units will subject the county to lawsuits. Not only would a speeding ticket written from these radars be void, but anything obtained from the stop, such as drugs, would be inadmissib­le in court as evidence, and the county subject to lawsuits for violating their rights for not having probable cause. My opponent would know this if he had any law enforcemen­t training or experience.

My opponent has an issue with my experience with the Arkansas Highway Police and AHP inspecting commercial vehicles.

This is only one part of the Highway Police’s duties. The Arkansas Highway Police is one of the nation’s leading agencies regarding the amount of illegal drugs seized and U.S. Currency seized from drug dealers. They seize tons of drugs and millions of dollars each year.

My opponent claims we haven’t raided a drug house in years. This is absolutely false. We work closely with the agents of the 9th East Judicial Drug Task Force. As sheriff, I serve on the board of directors. We don’t have the manpower to do many long-term investigat­ions, so we pass informatio­n to them and work with them. They have the experience and expertise in drug cases. Our stats are included with theirs.

I have the experience and training to do what is legally and morally right and would appreciate your vote.

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