Malvern Daily Record

Demon It Real?

- Stephen Paul, The Jesus Chapel / Thejesusch­

What about today... Demon Possession... Is It Real? The Jesus Chapel Bible College provides the Biblical response...

How can one tell if a person is possessed as opposed to having a physical, mental, or emotional psychiatri­c problem? Answer:

First, let me say that it would be highly unusual for a pastor/ missionary, etc. not to come in contact with a demon possessed person throughout their routine in ministry. It has been my experience on numerous occasions to experience contact with demon possessed people.

Demons are the disembodie­d spirits of the Neandertha­ls, which were present in the pre-adamic earth. They serve in subjection to Satan. Demon-possessed people are people under the control and/or influence of one or more demons.

There are four classic symptoms and/or consistenc­ies of demon possessed people. Note Mark 5

1. Violent - vs.3,5 A demon-possessed person displays a pattern of violence. On themselves, others, and even property. Their presence conveys a real threat.

2. Vile - vs. 5,8 A demon possessed person will display vile challenges against ordained authoritie­s: Note: They are vile in their conduct - vs 5, their conversati­on - vs 7, and their concerns - vs 8.

3. Vices - vs. 11,12 A demon possessed person is often entangled with vices that are characteri­stic of Satanic origin.

4. Violated - vs 9 You will find that a demon-possessed person is unable to speak for themselves. Their will has been violated and thus, totally enslaved to the will of Satan (2 Timothy 2:26b).

Demons and demon-possession are real. It is vital that believers recognize the reality of Satan and demons, but we shouldn’t let curiosity lead us to get involved with demonic forces. (Deut. 18:10,12). Demons are powerless against Christians who are in submission to Jesus Christ (James 4:7).

What is the only remedy for a demon-possessed person?

The only way a demon-possessed person can be delivered from demon-possession and a certain death is to be born-again - vs. 15. This happens not by exorcism but by exacting the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23).Amen!

The Jesus Chapel Bible College teaches deeply regarding this subject and how to over come it. We thank God for giving us the Bible, which contains accurate answers and truth!

 ?? ?? Stephen Paul Guest Columnist
Stephen Paul Guest Columnist

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