Malvern Daily Record

Bruce’s Take

- Bruce Westerman Arkansas’ Fourth District Bruce Westerman Arkansas' Fourth District

This week, for the first time in almost seven years, the House considered legislatio­n under a modified open rule, taking us one huge step closer to restoring a truly representa­tive government. This parliament­ary process allows all members, regardless of party, to submit amendments to a bill to be openly debated on the House floor before a vote.

The modified open rule gives members the opportunit­y to influence legislatio­n and openly advocate for the best interests of their constituen­ts on the House floor. We are returning Congress back towards its foundation­al principles, open debate and free speech.

On this momentous occasion, we considered an energy bill that would rein in government misuse of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. For this bill alone, there were 143 amendments submitted by members for debate. Of those, 115 were submitted by Democrats, and 28 were submitted by Republican­s. This just shows the power of democracy when we tear down the red tape and restrictio­ns and allow it to work. The unlimited opportunit­y for amendments and open debate ensures that the American people’s voices are heard.

My colleagues and I are here to serve our constituen­ts, and it is so crucial that we are able to advocate for your needs. Under the new House Republican majority, there is no more proxy voting – every member of Congress must be present to vote. Doing away with proxy voting was the first step in getting this body of Congress to truly show up to work for all of you at home. And now, the use of the modified open rule does away with restrictio­ns on the amendment and debate process.

It is a breath of fresh air to see members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, actively participat­ing in the parliament­ary process. We are making strides toward a more transparen­t and representa­tive government, just as our constituti­on intended. I look forward to continuing to serve the 4th District of Arkansas, with fewer restrictio­ns.

Until next week,

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