Malvern Daily Record

The Apostle Trained Pastor - Difference #7

- Guest Columnist

This article presents the difference in a Apostle Trained Pastor as compared to a pastor coming from a standard worldly Bible College or Seminary. Difference # 7.

The Apostle Trained Pastor coming through The Jesus Chapel - Bible College benefits in every way, not only in Bible doctrine, but Bible faith as well.

Bible College. tv delivers to the Apostle Trained Pastor the whole package, in absolute simplicity.

Faith cannot be procured through a Bible College or University - It comes by hearing, and hearing, by The Word Of God. If we want to experience the super- natural work of God, we only need invest ourselves in His Word, NOT irrelevant curriculum.

~ Stephen

If you look at the MBA’S, Doctorates, Theologian­s, Or Look At Your College Textbooks They’ll Tell You That What Apostle Trained Pastors Are Doing Is Impossible... Yet, It’s Happening Every Single Day. They work in the miraculous, and that baffles Academia.

That the University and Bible College systems fail to produce faith should be no surprise, for they are of themselves, entirely for themselves. They are NOT a gift given from Almighty God. Rather, they attempt to replace Him in every way, and at every level found in societies across the world.

An examinatio­n of the world, demonstrat­es that today, churches are lining up under the banner of marketing. Look at your Facebook and You Tube feeds. They are ripe with ‘ so- called’ kingdom marketers, as Christiani­ty is gradually being replaced by the merchandis­ing systems found in operation under Babylon The Great ( Isaiah 13; Revelation 1718 KJV).

A visit to a grocery store will give ample opportunit­y to see that cashiers have now been assigned the task of asking for donations too many types of humanistic causes, in an organized methodolog­y to make society appear as kind as churches were once thought to be. This is the beginning of the state and nationaliz­ed church, and One World Order.

As I grew from childhood to manhood, I witnessed the progressio­n from churches visiting people, providing things they needed in an effort to demonstrat­e the love and generosity of God. Once thought to be operating in excess, and able to help others, churches are now operating on business plans to expand their own denominati­ons. It is only natural to conclude that Babylon would step in and offer her allegiance to the monies once donated at the church offering, taking them for earthly cause offerings and earthly socalled churches. This is because of the parallel- ism of Satan, is revealed to Christians through the marketing systems of the Babylonian Commerce Systems, of the which, Universiti­es and Bible College are in league.

It is no small wonder that the so- called ‘ educated class’ cannot replace those found in the ‘ Faith class’ of people on a global level today. They are entities found to be in opposition.

Kingdom marketers have mistaken gaining wealth as gaining God. It is very important that the Christian recognize this, as the Laodicean church is forming at a global level before the eyes of every Christian, as we speak.

The Laodicean church will one day make statement to Christ that you must make ready to witness, as it is recorded as a future event ( prophesied), and will occur likely in our lifetime. Here is Christ’s response “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”. Revelation 3: 17 KJV.

The Laodicean church is under constructi­on today, spirituall­y speaking. God’s view of them as listed above, means that they have plenty and feel no need of God in their midst.

Note: The spirit of error can be inside an entire class of Christians, and found in any age or time period of the church, as well as in an individual believers heart and mentality. It is a spirit that transcends time and space, truly residing in human arrogance and self sufficienc­y throughout all time periods, or dispensati­ons.

The elitist mentality that Colleges and Universiti­es hold, and the systems they worship, believing they can take God’s place and authority, simply cannot replace God, though they attempt at every level to have Him removed from their campuses.

Academia at all levels attack The Word Of God and virtues of Christian faith and practice in every imaginable way, so much so, that it begs the question, ‘ Who is bringing this hatred of Christians, Christiani­ty, and God to the forefront of Academia? The answer is that Christian faith and doctrine, must by worldly institutio­ns be rejected, as it exposes and proves foolish and faithless the professors found operating within it.

In many cases, a Professor can obtain a seat at a University simply by paying an amount of money termed as ‘ Donated’ to a given University, and Profess what ever they deem as important. This is how many Muslim thought leaders have been able to elevate their faith across the United States. Such attempted purchases by Christians are rejected.

Apostle Trained Pastors operate in harmonious co- agency with God the Holy Spirit, defying the spirit of such Universiti­es, and Bible Colleges. Such Colleges and Universiti­es have sold their souls to Academia ( Satan), and are nothing more than stronghold­s and indoctrina­tion centers, globally, against Christ and Christian faith and practice.

This is why If you look at the MBA’S, Doctorates, Theologian­s, Or Look At Your College Textbooks They’ll Tell You That What Apostle Trained Pastors Are Doing Is Impossible... Yet, It’s Happening Every Single Day.

When the Apostle Trained Pastor steps out in faith, to do the work of bringing the ministry of God’s Word to the world, there will always be found those whose hearts are ripe with a love and desire for the God that they are hardwired to receive.

Stephen Paul, The Jesus Chapel / Thejesusch­

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