Malvern Daily Record

The Apostle Trained Pastor - Difference #5.

- Stephen Paul Guest Columnist Stephen Paul, The Jesus Chapel / Thejesusch­apel. com

Discover the difference in an Apostle Trained Pastor as compared to a pastor coming up through a worldly Bible College or Seminary. This is Difference #5 of nine.

Give a man a system and he can run a business - Give a man salvation and God can run His business through him.

~ Stephen

Apostle Trained Pastors Never Ask For Permission And Are Not Shackled To Worldly Systems.

Today, sadly, many pastors find the sermons they use Sunday from the internet. There exists Sermon apps, which provide pre-written and un-inspired messages. Such pastors are found relegating themselves to being 'copy-cat' pastors, who have NOT studied The Word Of God.

These are reprobates, disallowed of God, yet welcomed in the churches.

God intends godly men, inspired by the Holy Spirit deliver His Bible Truth to mankind. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved of the Holy Ghost". 2 Peter 1:21 KJV.

Pastors found failing to study, who carry forth the practice of using other men's sermons, have NOT checked the doctrinal import and content that is required to deliver a God-ordained sermon, teaching, or awe-inspiring truth to those found sitting under such blasphemou­s 'Fools'. Nor are such men led by the Holy Ghost, and in fact, have rejected Him fully.

God intends that every true servant of Christ live as an Royal Ambassador of a Heaven Sent, and Holy Spirit inspired labor of love, through study and diligent 'Heralding-forth' all that God recognizes each individual congregati­on receive, for the furtheranc­e of the cause of Christ... The Carrying Forward Of The Great Commission, And The Preparing Of A Holy People To Meet An Eternal And Never Changing God - Readied To Dwell With Him Eternally.

God's Word reveals such 'unintended' men in Galatians 1:6,8 KJV. " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of Christ unto another gospel. Which is not another, but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed".

Apostle Paul makes plain the fact that he 'MARVELS' which means looks at with 'horror and astonishme­nt', that men removed from the Holy Ghost and also removed from the grace of God would be so lacking in diligence, that they would 'pervert', which means twist and alter, amend and reshape, the gospel of Christ.

Paul goes on the make the point that such vile creatures should NOT be tolerated as holding positions as servants of Christ. "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should NOT be the servant of Christ". Gal 1:10 KJV.

A Bible Apostle Trained Pastor will be a person who is saved by the grace of God through faith. It the first principle of ordainment in the New Testament, that those called into ministry, must be ONLY those saved. It is a requiremen­t designed to be EXCLUSIVE, and as such, to exclude those failing to meet the first test in God's kingdom, that men be called not lulled. The spirit of 'lulling' is the spirit of slumber found prevalent in many churches today. That the people of God be made ready for sleep, rather than becoming alive and awakened to the truth and beauty of the Scriptures, is one of Satan's chiefest weapons.

Where standard Bible Colleges and Seminaries teach for financial profit, charging excessive fees, relying on the growth in numbers of students to pay the overhead costs of the instructor­s, building, et al, they will, and do permit the un-saved, as well as those NOT called by God entrance into their institutio­ns and Colleges... The Apostle Trained Pastor does NOT.

The Apostle Trained Pastor most assuredly is saved, and a member of the household of the Christian faith and the kingdom of God. No genuine Apostle would train an un-saved individual to represent God. As for the Apostle, it is a Holy calling, to carry out in assisting Christ in the building of His church. Give a man a system and he can run a business - Give a man salvation and God can run His business through him.

The Apostle Trained Pastor is unshackled from the world (Babylon) by virtue of a genuine salvation, and a correct Theology that ensures he become part of The Bride of Christ, not a mere purveyor of words from a stage. The Apostle Trained Pastor is taught why the center isle exists in the Church. Who the Bride of Christ is, dedication to the Great Commission, The Cause of Christ, How to over-come emotional, personal, life history, failed relationsh­ips, loss, hardship, situations and circumstan­ces.

The Apostle Trained Pastor learns how to help the flock of God to get off the treadmill of self-persecutio­n and self-doubt found so pervasive and invasive in modern, worldly Christian life and experience today.

Because of the details of Scriptural depth and content delivered to The Apostle Trained Pastor, he is NOT shackled to the world, but as Christ promised in Isaiah 61:1-9, has been delivered from it.

The Apostle Trained Pastor does not ask the worlds permission to bring deep and inspired Bible teaching to the church God would have him start, train, and teach, rather, he sets the people of God 'free' to do the same through Pulpit preaching and teaching found to contain strictly, The Word Of God. He has come out from Babylon's 'holding' system.

The Apostle Trained Pastor does NOT seek the world's approval or accolades through its accreditat­ion , but prefers God's approval and methodolog­y as a 'called and sent' man, who has responded and taken steps and action demanded of the Lord.

Apostle Trained Pastors Never Ask For Permission And Are Not Shackled To Worldly Systems.

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