Malvern Daily Record

Easy Movement Sr. exercise group hunt Easter Eggs

- By Virginia Pitts Staff Writer

The Easy Movement exercise group had a blast on Wednesday hunting Easter eggs on the lawn of the Chancellor’s House near the ASU Three Rivers campus and enjoying a delicious potluck afterwards.

Easy Movement is a free, low-impact exercise class for senior women that was started about three and a half years ago by Connie Rook, former Activities Director at Arbor Oaks Health and Rehabilita­tion Center and wife of Dr. Steve Rook, Chancellor at the college.

“Truly, I am an advocate for the elderly,” Rook said. “It doesn’t seem to matter if we are in Malvern or Jamaica, I seem to attract the elderly to me for conversati­ons.”

Rook said the ladies do a light round of stretches and use hand weights, going from a sitting position to standing, then back to the chair, during their 45-minute Easy Movement sessions. These classes are a real gift to the community because the importance of exercise for older adults cannot be overstated, as well as the importance of social interactio­n.

“I’ve had back n neck surgeries and this exercises are a lot of what I learned in Physical Therapy,” she said. “It’s wonderful balance and strengthen­ing for the elderly. And it’s free!” Rook said the class has grown over the years from four participan­ts to about 20 women who regularly meet.

Regular exercise for seniors improves strength, balance, mood, cognitive function and gives people more energy. It’s also thought to prevent or delay diseases and stave off an early demise, according to most health service agencies and medical profession­als.

Rook and the other Easy Movement participan­ts have even more quality time getting together outside the class for lunches, trips and parties such as the Easter fun they had this week. Their Christmas gatherings are gaining a reputation as the hottest holiday party in town, and their time together always includes a lot of laughs and wonderful Christian fellowship.

Rook said she loves working for and caring for the elderly, and her easy rapport and strong connection with the ladies in the group proves it. Rook has a big heart and tender soul that invite people in, especially the seniors she has interacted with on the job and in the community.

“I have worked as an activities director for several years,” she said. “I love the elderly and I love working with dementia people, too. Dementia seems to be a calling for me.”

Rook hosted the Easter event at her home and had help setting up from Amber Childers, Nikki Lackey and Madison Wilson from ASUTR. Kathy Florence, current Activities Director at Arbor Oaks, was there to wrangle the Easter Bunny, graciously played by fellow Arbor Oaks employee Bobbie Michelle Walker. Stephanie Brewster was also in attendance and lent a helpful hand.

Senior-aged women in the local area are invited to join the Easy Movement group. These classes are offered at no cost and are open to the community. Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-10:45 a.m. at the FBC Family Life Center.

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