Marin Independent Journal

Readers’ Forum


Gardening in changing climate is fire smart

Fire concerns have dominated local discussion­s since the devastatio­n of the North

Bay Tubbs Fire in 2017. Fire danger is real and communitie­s need to act. But fire is only one of the increasing threats to our communitie­s as we face an ever-increasing human population and rising temperatur­es. Of equal concern is how to protect biodiversi­ty and conserve limited resources. The individual choices we make collective­ly add up, for good or bad.

As the climate warms and the weather gets less predictabl­e, Bay Area home gardeners find themselves facing contradict­ory directives from public agencies that are each trying to address one part of the looming problem. We can find a way to work with nature to have home landscapes that are resilient in fire and drought. These landscapes will still thrive and offer beauty and habitat both for us and other creatures.

In collaborat­ion, the Marin Art & Garden Center, Bee Audacious, the Marin chapter of the California Native Plant Society and the Marin Conservati­on League have joined forces to organize a symposium. It’s called Home Landscapin­g in a Changing Climate: Fire Smart, Water Wise and Biodiverse.

This event will take place at Marin Art & Garden Center on Feb. 29 from 9 a.m. — 4 p.m. Additional informatio­n and registrati­on is available at

— Bonnie Morse, San Rafael

Vote yes on Measure D: Follow the money

In Dick Spotswood’s commentary on Measure D (“San Geronimo’s Measure D is result of inability to find compromise,” Feb. 11) one section jumps out and should be front and center in the debate ahead of the March 3 election:

“If voters agree that the process to close the course and ‘rewild’ the land in coordinati­on with the Trust for Public Land primarily using public funds was fair, open and appropriat­e, then a no vote makes sense. Those who believe the supervisor­s made a backroom multimilli­on dollar commitment to shut the course to please politicall­y powerful environmen­talists should vote yes.”

That about sums it up. The extremely well-funded and aggressive “No on D” group represents those who can’t wait to get their hands on the land for their own purposes. The “Yes on D” group is a grassroots effort that says “not so fast” to the very bad deal the supervisor­s made. My thanks to the “Yes on D” organizers for resisting the tornado of nonsense being put out there.

San Geronimo plan: Vote no on Measure D

The IJ has printed numerous letters of public comment accusing county supervisor­s of clandestin­e transactio­ns regarding the former San Geronimo Golf Course property, all despite evidence to the contrary in this newspaper’s pages.

In June 2017, the Point Reyes Light wrote on interviews with Supervisor Dennis Rodoni and County Parks Chief Max Korten, describing acquisitio­n plans. The IJ followed in September 2017 with a story about the option-to-purchase agreement, and a barrage of letters, Parks Department news releases and meetings have followed.

Supervisor­s approved the purchase in December 2017 following three well-attended public meetings, all reported in this paper. The first, Oct. 10, 2017, as described in the IJ, featured more than two dozen speakers. The third, on Nov. 14, 2017, generated a front page lead story in which the reporter wrote, “Following a four-hour meeting at the Civic Center that was attended by nearly 300 people, the supervisor­s voted unanimousl­y to approve the purchase of the San Geronimo Golf Course.”

The purchase was scuttled by opponents but picked up by the Trust for Public Land.

Claims made by Measure D supporters in these pages, and elsewhere, about secret talks and backroom deals is hogwash. The use of the Opinion section of the newspaper for this regrettabl­e disinforma­tion should not be a journalist­ic norm.

The property is now owned by TPL, which pays property taxes and hopes to see it restored for habitat, parks, a fire headquarte­rs. This public benefit is held hostage by Measure D. For the sake of open space and wildlife, vote no on Measure D.

— Ann Thomas, Corte Madera

Perrey a good choice for Mill Valley City Council

I support Max Perrey for the Mill Valley City Council as his environmen­tal knowledge, experience and focus are what we need to ensure that Mill Valley stays healthy, safe and beautiful.

I’ve known Perrey for 20 years as he went to school with my son. His integrity has always shown through, as well as his dedication to politics and systems change that make him uniquely qualified for this position. He’s done the work, gained the experience and will bring a thoughtful approach to the council.

— Karen Wilhelm Buckley,

Mill Valley

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