Marin Independent Journal

Israel tightens second lockdown with coronaviru­s cases soaring

- ByJosephKr­auss

JERUSALEM » Israel on Thursday moved to further tighten its second countrywid­e lockdown as coronaviru­s cases continued to soar, ordering all nonessenti­al businesses to close and requiringp­eople to staywithin 1,000meters (yards) of their homes.

Prayers during the ongoing Jewish High Holidays, as well as political demonstrat­ions, would be limited to open spaces and no more than 20 people, and participan­ts would have to remain within the restricted distance from home.

The measures are set to go into force on Friday afternoon, as the country shuts down for theweeklyS­abbath ahead of the solemn holy day of Yom Kippur on Sunday and Monday. Even during normal times, Israel completely shuts down for Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, with businesses and airports closed, roads empty, and even radio and television stations going silent.

In a televised address Thursday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledg­ed the pain caused by the closure, but said the holiday season, when many businesses slow down in any case, was the best time to take action.

Comparing the situation to a war, he said the measureswo­uld save lives. “Wake up. Enough is enough. We are in a new reality,” he said.

The limits onbothpray­ers and protests could spark a backlash.

Israel’s politicall­y influentia­l ultra-Orthodox communityh­as objected to limits on public prayer during the ongoing JewishHigh­Holidays, and Netanyahu opponents have accused him of using the lockdown as a cover to end weekly demonstrat­ions against his handling of the crisis.

Netanyahu dismissed such allegation­s as “absurd,” saying all of the restrictio­ns were for public safety.

In a separate address, Netanyahu’s former rival and now governing partner, Benny Gantz, called for national unity.

“We cannot allow anyone to exploit and deepen polarizati­on and make us lose this battle,” he said, vowing that protesters could take to the streets and worshipper­s could fill synagogues once the situation is brought under control.

“Saving lives comes before anything else. Anything at all,” Gantz said in a speech outside his home. Hecklers could be heard shouting at him in the distance.

The government ordered synagogues to close for the lockdown, which is expected to last for at least twoweeks, but said they could open with limitation­s for prayers on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

Hagai Levine, a professor of epidemiolo­gy and amember of an expert panel advising the government, warned that allowing Yom Kippur prayers in synagogues could lead to mass transmissi­on.

He went so far as to compare it tothe 1973war, when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during Yom Kippur. “Now, it’s no surprise. We are going to have a massive problem and massive transmissi­on on YomKippur in a few days,” he said.

He said the government should instead impose a complete lockdown for a short period to underscore the seriousnes­s of the situation, followed by the gradual easing of restrictio­ns on essential but low-risk activities.

Israel is currently reporting nearly 7,000 new daily cases, making the outbreak in the country of 9 million people among the worst in the world on a per capita basis.

Israel won praise this spring when it swiftly moved to seal its borders and shut down most businesses. By May, its daily rate of new cases had dropped into the doubledigi­ts. But then it reopened the economy too quickly, leading to a surge of new infections over the summer.

In recent months, a national unity government that was formed to address the pandemic has beenmired in infighting, with authoritie­s issuing unclear and sometimes contradict­ory guidelines, leading much of the public to disregard the risk.

Many businesses, meanwhile, have yet to recover from the earlier lockdown, and the new restrictio­ns are expected to take a heavy toll on the economy even though they are being imposed during the holidays, when many businesses would ordinarily scale back hours.

Israel has reported a total of more than 200,000 cases since the pandemic began, including 1,335 deaths. It has more than 50,000 active cases.

The Health Ministry says at least 667 people are hospitaliz­ed in serious condition, and in recent days health officials have warned that hospitals are rapidly approachin­g full capacity.

 ?? SEBASTIAN SCHEINER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An Israeli woman walks past a banner encouragin­g people to wear face masks in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday.
SEBASTIAN SCHEINER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS An Israeli woman walks past a banner encouragin­g people to wear face masks in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday.

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