Marin Independent Journal

COVID-19 strategy unraveling as regions choose own path

- ByDanicaKi­rka

LONDON » British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s new strategy for combating COVID-19 seemed to unravel Wednesday as regional leaders chose their own paths and the mayors of the cities facing the toughest restrictio­ns accused Johnson of using the crisis to divide them for political advantage.

Fearing Johnson hadn’t gone far enough, two regions in theUnitedK­ingdom chose to impose tougher measures than the prime minister. Northern Ireland said it would close schools, pubs and restaurant­s to slow the spread of the virus, while the Welsh leader announced it would ban people fromhigh infectionf­rom other parts of the U.K. from traveling intoWales.

As Liverpool, the only area that has been placed under England’s toughest restrictio­ns, prepared for the new rules to take effect, revelers spilledint­o the streets as bars closed Tuesday night amid fears they may not reopen again until spring.

Social media showed the images, including one video of a police car slowly moving through the crowd as partiers banged on the side of the car.

“These pictures shame our city, attacking our brave police officers is unacceptab­le,” Liverpool City Mayor JoeAnderso­n tweeted. “Our health service is creaking, 300 in hospital and 30 people dead in week. Ignoring these facts is why we are in Tier 3 measures.”

The leader of greater Liverpool’s regional government criticized Johnson’s handling of the crisis. The government refused until last week to work with local leaders in the fight against COVID-19, and now it is trying to useLiverpo­ol’s acceptance of tough new restrictio­ns as a way to force other cities into doing the same,

Steve Rotheram said during a video news conference with Andy Burnham, leader of the Greater Manchester Combine Authority.

“We’re not going to stand by while the government plays politics with us,” Rotheramsa­id. “We’re not going to stand by and not do anything about holding the government to account.”

The wrangling came as England’s new threetiere­d system of restrictio­ns took effect across the country. Health officials met Wednesday to discuss whether other areas, including Manchester and Lancashire, should join Liverpool in the highest risk tier, which would bring with it additional measures such as closing pubs and banning social gatherings with other households.

Greater Manchester’s regional government on Wednesday rejected efforts to move it into the highest tier, saying infection rates and levels of hospitaliz­ation in themetropo­litan area are much lower than those in Liverpool.

Burnham said the U.K. government was trying to force local leaders into making the hard decisions about which businesses to shut down without providing enough financial assistance to mitigate the economic impacts. Given the government’s current offer, themajorit­yof regional leaders would prefer a short national lockdown to the tiered approach, Burnham said.

“We’ve gone from an approach that was about ‘whatever it takes to get the country through this’ to a penny-pinching approach to this pandemic where the cost will fall very much on people in the real world whose businesses are already close to the brink, he said.

Britain already has Europe’s deadliest outbreak, withmore than 43,000 confirmed deaths, and Northern Ireland has the highest infection rate in the U.K.

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