Marin Independent Journal

Hundreds freezing in snow in migrant camp


BIHAC, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVIN­A » Hundreds of migrants were stranded Saturday in a squalid, burnt- out tent camp in Bosnia as heavy snow fell in the country and winter temperatur­es suddenly dropped.

Migrants at the Lipa camp in northwest Bosnia wrapped themselves in blankets and sleeping bags to protect against the biting winds in the region, which borders European Union member Croatia.

A fire earlier this week destroyed much of the camp near the town of Bihac that already was harshly criticized by internatio­nal officials and aid groups as being inadequate for housing refugees and migrants.

Despite the fire, Bosnian authoritie­s have failed to find new accommodat­ions for the migrants at Lipa, leaving around 1,000 people stuck in the cold, with no facilities or heat, eating only meager food parcels provided by aid groups.

“Snow has fallen, subzero temperatur­es, no heating, nothing,” the Internatio­nal Organizati­on for Migration’s chief of mission in Bosnia, Peter Van Der Auweraert, tweeted. “This is not how anyone should live. We need political bravery and action now.”

Bosnia has become a bottleneck for thousands of migrants hoping to reach Western Europe. Most are stuck in Bosnia’s northwest Krajina region as other areas in the ethnically divided nation have refused to accept them. The EU has warned Bosnia that thousands of migrants face a freezing winter without shelter, and it has urged the country’s bickering politician­s to set aside their difference­s and take action.

On Saturday, migrants crowded at the camp to receive water and food provided by Bosnia’s Red Cross as police sought to maintain order. Some migrants wore face shields to protect them from coronaviru­s.

“We are living like animals. Even animals are living better than us!” said a man from Pakistan who identified himself only by his first name, Kasim. “If they not help us, we will die, so please help us.”

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