Marin Independent Journal

Out with the old, quickly

- Barry Tompkins

Well, what will we toast to on this New Year’s Eve?

Other than waiting for the old year to leave?

Father Time’s out the door, never up to the task

Baby new year arrives, and he’s wearing a mask.

2020 is gone and we’re sure not bereft

Now, we pick up the pieces, and there isn’t much left.

Missing in action are the things that we’ve known

Like haircuts and movies, dinner parties at home.

And just meeting friends for a laugh and a drink,

Would be a small pleasure again — don’t ya think?

The new year I hope makes us older and wiser

Yet we’re solely dependent on Moderna and Pfizer

To restore the lifestyle I barely remember

Way back before March and now right through December.

Here’s what’s been missing since that preCOVID life

I’ve not hugged a soul but my dog and my wife.

There’s a reason for that at this time — no disgrace

From 6 feet apart, you’d fall flat on your face.

And then there’s my wardrobe, my wife likes this lots

Dressing for dinner means sweats with no spots.

And to eat at a table — not for us — no siree

On the couch, with a bib, and Netflix TV.

We save money by eating at home. We’re less troubled

Except for the fact that our booze bill has doubled.

But to drink a Manhattan is good, and to boot

It comes with a cherry, so I’m eating more fruit.

This holiday season, of course, is surreal

And like everyone else we bemoan, “What’s the deal?”

Families who usually are all in one room

Are left to communicat­e by just using Zoom.

Loved ones divided in boxes and pairs

Like a modern-day version of “Hollywood Squares.”

Zoom has arrived and there’s really no stoppin’ it

My deepest regret is I didn’t buy stock in it.

Brighter days are ahead for next year — this one’s cursed

But before we look forward, let’s look backward first.

Gone in the backlash of COVID-19

Are places that so much were a part of the scene.

The Cliff House and Alfred’s and Lefty O’Doul’s

All gone — couldn’t play by today’s set of rules.

Here in Marin we said bye to some faves

Wildfox and Benissimo went to their graves.

Three Twins Ice Cream unfortunat­ely strode

off to the sunset on a real rocky road.

Neiman Marcus, J Crew, GNC and Pier 1

All filed for bankruptcy — in essence, they’re done.

Fans of our sports teams are down in the dumps.

The Niners and Giants have taken their lumps.

The Sharks have no clue of where they might play

And the Warriors suffer from no feet of Klay.

We had an election, too — what a relief

Let’s welcome in our new commander-in-chief.

But, darn it. The rascal who now sits in that seat

Refuses to recognize he’s had his butt beat.

He still clings to the hope he has beaten his foe

While the courts all agree that he simply must go.

What does next year bring is the common refrain.

There’s a light in the tunnel that I hope’s not a train.

There’s a thought that right now, if we all get in lineT here’s a shot that is waiting to make us all fine.

My hope for the new year at the first morning’s dawn

Is that hope is upon us and this year is gone.

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