Marin Independent Journal

Judge refuses to extradite WikiLeaks founder

- By Jill Lawless

LONDON » A British judge on Monday rejected the United States’ request to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to face espionage charges over the publicatio­n of secret U.S. documents a decade ago, saying he was likely to kill himself if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions.

In a mixed ruling for Assange and his supporters, District Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected defense arguments that the 49-year-old Australian faces a politicall­y motivated American prosecutio­n that rides roughshod over free-speech protection­s. But she said Assange’s precarious mental health would likely deteriorat­e further under the conditions of “near total isolation” he would face in a U.S. prison.

“I find that the mental condition of Mr. Assange is such that it would be oppressive to extradite him to the United States of America,” the judge said.

Lawyers for the U.S. government said they would appeal the decision, and the U.S. Department of Justice said it would continue to seek Assange’s extraditio­n.

“While we are extremely disappoint­ed in the court’s ultimate decision, we are gratified that the United States prevailed on every point of law raised,” it said in a statement. “In particular, the court rejected all of Mr. Assange’s arguments regarding political motivation, political offense, fair trial and freedom of speech.”

Assange’s lawyers said they would ask for his release from a London prison where he has been held for more than a 18 months at a bail hearing on Wednesday.

Assange, who sat quietly in the dock at London’s Central Criminal Court for the ruling, wiped his brow as the decision was announced. His partner Stella Moris, with whom he has two young sons, wept.

Outside court, Moris said the ruling was “the first step towards justice,” but it was not yet time to celebrate.

“I had hoped that today would be the day that Julian would come home,” she said. “Today is not that day, but that day will come soon.”

The ruling marked a dramatic moment in Assange’s long legal battles in Britain — though likely not its final chapter.

It’s unclear whether the incoming Biden administra­tion will pursue the prosecutio­n, initiated under President Donald Trump.

Assange’s American lawyer, Barry Pollack, said the legal team was “enormously gratified” by the British court’s decision.

“We hope that after considerat­ion of the U.K. court’s ruling, the United States will decide not to pursue the case further,” he said.

Moris urged Trump to

pardon Assange before he leaves office this month.

“Mr. President, tear down these prison walls,” she said. “Let our little boys have their father.”

U.S. prosecutor­s have indicted Assange on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publicatio­n of thousands of leaked military and diplomatic documents. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.

Lawyers for Assange argue that he was acting as a journalist and is entitled to First Amendment protection­s of freedom of speech for publishing documents

that exposed U. S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanista­n.

Lawyers for the U.S. government denied that Assange was being prosecuted merely for publishing, saying the case “is in large part based upon his unlawful involvemen­t” in the theft of the diplomatic cables and military files by U.S. Army intelligen­ce analyst Chelsea Manning.

The British judge sided with U. S. lawyers on that score, saying Assange’s actions, if proven, would amount to offenses “that would not be protected by his right to freedom of speech.” She also said the

U.S. judicial system would give him a fair trial.

The defense also argued during a three-week hearing in the fall that Assange risked “a grossly disproport­ionate sentence” and detention in “draconian and inhumane conditions” if he was sent to the United States.

The judge agreed that U. S. prison conditions would be oppressive, saying there was a “real risk” he would be sent to the Administra­tive Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado. It is the highest security prison in the U.S., also holding Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski and Mexican

drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

She accepted evidence from expert witnesses that Assange had a depressive disorder and an autism spectrum disorder.

“I am satisfied that, in these harsh conditions, Mr. Assange’s mental health would deteriorat­e, causing him to commit suicide with the single minded determinat­ion of his autism spectrum disorder,” the judge said.

She said Assange was “a depressed and sometimes despairing man” who had the “intellect and determinat­ion” to circumvent any suicide prevention measures taken by American prison authoritie­s.

Britain’s extraditio­n agreement with the U. S. says that extraditio­n can be blocked if “by reason of the person’s mental or physical condition, it would be unjust or oppressive to extradite him.”

This is not the first time the U.K. has refused extraditio­n to the United States on those grounds.

In 2018, a British court refused to extradite Lauri Love, a hacker accused of penetratin­g U. S. government networks, because of the risk he would kill himself. In 2012 then-Home Secretary Theresa May blocked the extraditio­n of Gary McKinnon, who was accused of breaking into U.S. military and space networks, because of the risk he would end his life.

 ?? FRANK AUGSTEIN — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Supporters of Julian Assange celebrate outside the Old Bailey courthouse in London on Monday after a ruling blocking his extraditio­n to the United States.
FRANK AUGSTEIN — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Supporters of Julian Assange celebrate outside the Old Bailey courthouse in London on Monday after a ruling blocking his extraditio­n to the United States.

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