Marin Independent Journal

Golden Gate Village residents must be heard


I recently participat­ed in a tour of Marin City’s Golden

Gate Village public housing complex led by Resident Council President Royce McLemore.

I was particular­ly struck by the peacefulne­ss I felt walking around the village. It reminded me of the Los Angeles neighborho­od where I grew up; where neighbors were also friends. They shared good and bad times, all the while watching out for one another. It was naturally resilient.

This resilient culture, combined with the rich history and architectu­re, is irreplacea­ble. It needs to be cared for and protected. This is why I support the Resident Council’s renovation plan for Golden Gate Village, not the outside developer’s plan.

I am constantly amazed that my own county supervisor, Katie Rice, refuses to publicly commit to considerin­g the Resident Council plan, despite her stated commitment to tackle racial inequity and injustice in Marin.

“Racism, inequality, the longlived effects of policy, and law, and power … has roots deep in our community and continues to exhibit itself,” Rice said in a public statement on racial justice. “If there was ever a time that we needed to come together … to stand up for what is right, to take on the challenges we face together ... it is now.”

I challenge Rice to walk her talk.

We need to listen to our Golden Gate Village neighbors with respect, allow them to lead the process of renewal in their own community and stand with them for what is right. Only then can the healing process truly begin.

— Jinesse Reynolds,

San Anselmo

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