Marin Independent Journal

Marin can show climate leadership through faith

- — Meighen Speiser, San Rafael

People of faith have a moral imperative to protect children, communitie­s and future generation­s. Our scriptures teach us that Earth is sacred and that we are called to care for creation.

I was raised Catholic/Jesuit. My husband was raised Jewish. Each faith has scripture to support our call including, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authoritie­s; all things have been created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16. And, “Look at My works! How beautiful and praisewort­hy they are. Everything that I have created, I created for you. Take care not to damage and destroy My world, for if you destroy it, there is no one to repair it after you.” Midrash Kohelet, Rabbah 7:13.

Thankfully, leaders of many faiths are putting aside past difference­s and coming together to broaden inclusion for climate action.

As Pope Francis said, “We need a conversati­on which includes everyone, since the environmen­tal challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all . ... We require a new and universal solidarity.”

That is why I am joining with over 30 denominati­ons and faith organizati­ons who have created “One Home One Future,” a seven-year multifaith campaign to strengthen congregati­ons and inspire creation care and climate action in congregati­ons nationwide. It offers meaningful pathways for engagement and is welcoming to newcomers.

As executive director of the ecoAmerica climate leadership group, I urge all to answer the call to act. I encourage all congregati­ons in Marin County to join One Home One Future, take visible action in our homes, congregati­ons, workplaces and communitie­s. Help others to do the same.

We can ensure a safe and healthy climate for our children and future generation­s if we all do our part today.

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