Marin Independent Journal

House primaries offer preview of Congress battle

- By Adam Beam

Voters settled House primaries across California on Tuesday, with all eyes on a handful of swing districts whose November matchups will help determine which party controls Congress for the next two years.

All of California's 52 congressio­nal seats had primary elections. The top two vote-getters in each race will advance to the general election regardless of their political party. About 10 of those seats figure to be competitiv­e, and a handful are considered toss-ups.

These races will be some of the most competitiv­e in the country this fall, and the outcomes will help determine which political party controls Congress. Right now Republican­s have 219 seats in the House of Representa­tives, while Democrats have 213. There are three vacancies.

“California­ns are used to our state being a national leader, and our role in the 2024 elections is no different,” said California U.S. Rep. Pete Aguilar, chair of the House Democratic Caucus. “I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that we're successful this November.”

California Republican Party chair Jessica Millan Patterson said voters are “fed up.”

“Voters are ready to send a clear message to radical, far-left Democrats this November that they've had enough, and it's time to put California and our nation on a pathway to success once again,” she said.

The outcome of some races won't be known for days or even weeks. That's because most people vote by mail with ballots that, as long as they are postmarked by Election Day, can arrive up to a week later and still be counted.

That has made counting ballots in California a weekslong drama that, for close contests, can transform Election Day into an election month.

Here's a look at the most competitiv­e House races in California:


Republican incumbent David Valadao and Democrat Rudy Salas were leading the field in early returns in this Central Valley farm district that has been targeted by Democrats as a crucial pickup opportunit­y.

Republican rancher Chris Mathys and Democratic state Sen. Melissa Hurtado were trailing.

Democrats have feared that Salas and Hurtado — two state lawmakers who are well known in the district — could splinter the Democratic vote and allow both Republican­s to advance to the general election. That would be a major embarrassm­ent for Democrats while dealing a major blow to their chances of retaking the House.

Salas has the backing of the Democratic Party and prominent state officials like Gov. Gavin Newsom. Newsom recently made a fundraisin­g pitch on Salas' behalf, warning of a “DEEP risk of having two Republican­s make the general election.”


Republican Scott Baugh and Democratic state Sen. Dave Min were out front in early returns to fill the seat that incumbent Democrat Katie Porter vacated to run for the U.S. Senate.

Baugh, a former state Assembly member, narrowly lost to Porter in 2022 in a district that had once been reliably Republican. His party sees the seat as a top pick-up opportunit­y in November.

Democrat Joanna Weiss, who founded an organizati­on to promote progressiv­e candidates, was behind Min and Baugh.

The race between Min and Weiss was one of the nastiest this cycle, with each campaign relentless­ly attacking the other. That also meant they were handing easy general election fodder to Republican­s.

Weiss' campaign has criticized Min for a drunken driving arrest last year. Min has accused Weiss of funding her campaign from money her husband made as a lawyer defending Catholic priests found guilty of molesting children. Weiss' campaign says her husband never defended a Catholic priest, saying she loaned money to the campaign from a home equity line of credit.

Porter backs Min, who also has the endorsemen­t of the state party. Weiss is backed by Emily's List, which supports Democratic women who favor abortion rights, and by Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis.


Republican U.S. Rep. Michelle Steel has advanced to defend her Orange County seat in November.

Steel, a South Korean immigrant who has been in Congress since 2020, represents a district that was drawn to give Asian Americans a stronger voice in Washington. It's home to the nation's largest Vietnamese community.

It was not yet clear who Steel will face in the general election.

Democrats Derek Tran, the son of Vietnamese refugees, and Kim NguyenPena­loza, the daughter of a Vietnamese refugee father, and two others were trailing Steel. NguyenPena­loza has the endorsemen­t of the state Democratic Party.


Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Levin has advanced to defend his seat in this Southern California district that includes portions of Orange and San Diego counties.

It's not yet clear who he will face in November.

California's coastal districts tend to lean Democratic, but Republican­s believe they have a chance to oust Levin. Republican Matt Gunderson, an auto dealer, was leading a trio of other GOP challenger­s.

Voters chose Levin in 2018 to replace longtime Republican Darrell Issa, who has since returned to Congress in a neighborin­g district. Levin has since been reelected twice — by six points in 2020 and 5 points in 2022.

“I think we've built the best ground operation of any congressio­nal campaign in the United States,” Levin said in a video posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.


Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Garcia has advanced to the November general election, where he'll defend his position as the last GOP House member anchored in Los Angeles County.

Garcia has won the seat repeatedly despite a sizeable advantage for registered Democratic voters in the district.

“Tonight's results are a testament to the fact that our mission and message is resonating with CA-27: Ensure the security of California families,” Garcia said in a statement.

His main competitio­n was from Democrat George Whitesides, who was leading another Democrat in the count. A former NASA chief of staff, Whitesides has campaigned on abortion rights and environmen­tal protection.

Garcia gets help from his both his background as a former Navy fighter pilot and his surname, which comes from his Mexican immigrant father and is familiar in a district with a significan­t Latino population.

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