Marin Independent Journal

Premier vows start of deportatio­n plan

- By Danica Kirka

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged Monday that the first deportatio­n flights carrying migrants who enter the country illegally to Rwanda would leave in 10-12 weeks, as he vowed to end the Parliament­ary deadlock over a key policy promise before an election expected later this year.

Sunak made the comments at a news conference where he demanded that the unelected House of Lords stop blocking legislatio­n that would permit the deportatio­n flights, a central part of the government's strategy to “stop the boats” carrying migrants across the English Channel illegally.

The prime minister vowed that Parliament would remain in session until the legislatio­n is passed. The House of Commons will take up the bill later in the day, followed by considerat­ion in the House of Lords.

“Enough is enough,” Sunak said, adding that commercial charter planes are booked to carry the asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Illegal channel crossings are a potent political issue in Britain, where they are seen as evidence of the government's failure to control migration. The number of people arriving on small boats soared to 45,774 in 2022 from just 299 four years earlier.

Small boat arrivals dropped to 29,437 last year as the government cracked down on people smugglers and reached an agreement to return Albanians to their home country.

While Sunak acknowledg­ed that he wouldn't meet his self-imposed deadline of getting the first deportatio­n flights in the air this spring, he blamed the delays on continued resistance from the opposition Labour Party. His drive to finally push the legislatio­n through Parliament comes less than two weeks before local elections that will be a key barometer of support for Sunak's Conservati­ve Party, which is trailing in opinion polls.

The prime minister declined to provide details about how many people were expected to be on the flights or exactly when they would take off because, he said, opponents are likely to continue to try to frustrate the policy. Migrant advocates have already said they plan to challenge the law in the European Court of Human Rights.

“We are ready, plans are in place, and these flights will go come what may,” Sunak said. “No foreign court will stop us from getting flights off.”

 ?? TOBY MELVILLE — POOL PHOTO VIA AP ?? British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks at a press conference at Downing Street in London on Monday.
TOBY MELVILLE — POOL PHOTO VIA AP British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks at a press conference at Downing Street in London on Monday.

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