Marysville Appeal-Democrat

California decreases use of ‘potty watch,’ with more results


SACRAMENTO ( AP) – California prison officials are reducing the number of times they use a procedure known as “potty watches” and are getting better results, according to an inspector general’s report released Wednesday.

The process is used to recover drugs, weapons, cellphones and other contraband inmates are believed to have swallowed or concealed in body cavities.

Suspected smugglers are put in isolation cells with their hands chained and sometimes covered in “hand isolation devices” similar to oven mitts. Their clothing is taped shut to keep them from reaching body cavities. They remain there for at least 72 hours or until they complete at least three bowel movements.

The Associated Press reported in July that California’s procedures go far beyond other large states, which keep suspected smugglers isolated for shorter periods of time without using restraints. The AP found something was recovered from about four out of 10 California inmates, which critics say is too low a percentage for the hardship involved.

Correction­s Secretary Jeffrey Beard defended the procedure as necessary to determine if inmates are concealing dangerous contraband, but he said then the department had reduced the number of watches in recent years and was exploring whether scanning technology could one day replace them. The department standardiz­ed its policy in 2012, leading to closer oversight and more consistent use of the watches statewide, Correction­s spokesman Jeffrey Callison said Wednesday.

The correction­s department appears to be more careful in deciding when to use the procedure, is keeping inmates restrained for shorter periods of time and is getting more frequent results, the state inspector general reported.

The 155 watches during the first half of the year were down at least about 20 percent and as much as nearly 50 percent from the four previous six-month reporting periods.

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