Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Education secretary booed speaking at historical­ly black university


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) – Drawing shouts of “Liar!” and “Just go,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos powered through her commenceme­nt address Wednesday at a historical­ly black university, even as many of the graduating students turned their backs to her in protest.

“Let’s choose to hear one another out,” DeVos said, reading her prepared text in a measured tone despite continuing waves of boos, catcalls and scattered applause at Bethune-Cookman University in Florida.

As the crowd kept trying to shout her down, university president Edison Jackson briefly took over the microphone to sternly lecture the class of 2017.

“If this behavior continues, your degrees will be mailed to you. Choose which way you want to go,” Jackson warned.

DeVos alienated many AfricanAme­ricans in February when she described historical­ly black colleges as “real pioneers when it comes to school choice.” After a storm of criticism, she acknowledg­ed that these colleges were “born, not out of mere choice, but out of necessity, in the face of racism.”

In her keynote, DeVos repeatedly praised the school’s founder, Mary McLeod Bethune, as someone who “refused to accept systemic and repulsive racism,” and had “the courage to change old ideas.”

“I am here to demonstrat­e in the most direct way possible that I and the administra­tion are fully committed to your success and to the success of every student across this great country,” she said.

President Donald Trump’s nomination of DeVos, a Republican fundraiser with no classroom experience, was so controvers­ial that Vice President Mike Pence had to cast a tie-breaking vote for her Senate confirmati­on.

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