Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Re: Migrant children


I wrote to my pastor about my concerns this morning and thought the subject deserved wider attention.

You may be watching and listening to news from the border. Migrant children by the hundreds are being taken from their parents and “housed” separately from them. The stated policy behind this atrocity is that by inflicting pain on the children it will deter families from attempting entry into the U.S. The United Nations human rights office said Tuesday that the practice violates internatio­nal law and human rights, and that the U.S. should terminate it immediatel­y.

A recent policy statement from the American Associatio­n of Pediatrics describes the “egregious conditions in many of the centers, including lack of bedding (eg, sleeping on cement floors), open toilets, no bathing facilities, constant light exposure, confiscati­on of belongings, insufficie­nt food and water, and lack of access to legal counsel.” Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave?

I am very disturbed by this country’s descent into overt inhumanity and cruelty, and ask you to speak out against this shameful tactic. This is beyond politics, utterly intolerabl­e, and should be odious to every person, no matter their faith or lack thereof. Call Rep. Garamendi and Senators Feinstein and Harris and register your outrage. This matters, so let’s do something.

Susan Kimmel

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