Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Wife’s secret is her credit card debt


DEAR ABBY: I am married to a great man, but he’s very tight with his money. We found out early in our relationsh­ip that we couldn’t have a joint account because it caused so much fighting.

We share our bills, but I am broke all the time. I have credit card debt he doesn’t know about. (He hates being in debt.) I have had a problem with credit cards before, and he threatened that if it happened again, we are done. How do I tell him I have more credit card debt without losing him? – SWIMMING IN DEBT

DEAR SWIMMING: Go online and begin researchin­g accredited or certified credit counselors. Make sure the one you choose is affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling ( While you’re at it, get on the internet and locate the nearest chapter of Debtors Anonymous. It’s a 12-step program group for individual­s who cannot control their spending. You will find it at www.debtorsano­nymous. org.

Because you are compulsive about abusing credit cards, prepare yourself for the fact that you may have to get rid of all of them. And when (not if) you inform your husband about what’s been going on, be sure he knows you are WILLING to do that. I wish you luck and recovery.

** DEAR ABBY: My first wife, “Charlene,” died eight years ago from an accident caused by her diabetes. Six months after her funeral, I was introduced to a lovely woman and subsequent­ly married her. When I told my former mother-in-law I had started seeing someone, she asked me to cease all contact with her and the rest of the family. I complied with her wish.

Since Charlene’s death,

Ihave kept her personal photo album. It contains pictures and memorabili­a from when she was a child and teenager. I also have some afghans her grandmothe­r made for her. I would like to return them to her parents, but I’m afraid of the potential pain it could cause.

I considered writing her mother a letter letting her know I have these things and would like to return them. I know there’s really no way of easing into this. I’m pretty sure, however, that a mom would like to have her daughter’s things. Your advice would be appreciate­d. – TREADING LIGHTLY

DEAR TREADING: Because the items belonged to her daughter, box them up and send them to your ex-mother-in-law. And when you do, include a note explaining that you thought she would like to have them. Period.

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