Marysville Appeal-Democrat

What a Gov. Newsom might be like


As the fall election season begins officially this week, it’s high time to look closely at what a Gov. Gavin Newsom might be like.

That’s partly because Newsom held leads of anywhere from 25 to 30 percentage points over Republican businessma­n John Cox in polls taken during the summer, drawing about 55 percent support –well over the 50 percent polling threshold that’s often viewed as decisive when campaigns enter their homestretc­h.

By now, many California­ns should already have acquired some sense of the potential new governor. He’s traveled to almost every corner of the state since declaring for the office about two years ago, long before any of the Democratic primary election rivals he easily bested last June.

To get to know the state even better, the former San Francisco mayor lived long periods in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles, working from the home of his in-laws. Newsom said he needed to develop more knowledge of and support in Southern California. This paid off in the primary, when he beat former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa by 10 percent in Villaraigo­sa’s home county.

But most California­ns likely still don’t know what to expect from a Gov. Newsom. So it pays to examine where he stands on some of the state’s major issues, items he explained in several interviews over the last year or so.

For one thing, don’t expect Newsom to abandon the widelycrit­icized bullet train project, even though he well knows its trains will never reach the average speeds promised in Propositio­n 1A exactly 10 years Thomas D. Elias writes on California politics and other issues. ago. That’s in part because he sees high speed rail as a possible solution to problems major corporatio­ns have with recruiting because of sky-high real estate prices in Silicon Valley and the rest of the San Francisco Peninsula.

He puts a special priority on links the bullet train could create between the Peninsula and the Central Valley.

“If you get valley-to-valley transporta­tion at very high speeds, you can get huge economic growth on that corridor,” Newsom said. “I think this should lead to some renewed optimism about what high speed rail can do for the state.”

So instead of being “Brown’s train” or “Arnold’s train” before that, the bullet train may soon become Newsom’s property, for better or worse. For sure, it could make the housing markets of Central Valley cities like Tracy, Merced, Madera, Modesto, Manteca and Turlock into bedroom communitie­s for Silicon Valley. But only after engineers solve the problems of traversing steep mountainsi­des near Highway 152 in Pacheco Pass.

Newsom also proposes to tie funding for local transporta­tion projects to local government­s’ willingnes­s to build new housing and help resolve California’s burgeoning problem of homelessne­ss.

“Transit dollars have to be contingent on housing production,” he said. “You cannot de-link the two issues.”

But he opposed a springtime legislativ­e proposal to rezone all areas within a half-mile radius of rapid transit stops and heavily-used bus stops for tall new buildings with thousands of apartments, most of them quite small.

“There has to be a lot of regional discretion here,” said the onetime mayor, who relished independen­t local authority while in that office, using it to begin the national movement toward legalizing same-sex marriages, among other items.

If he becomes governor at the same time as voters repeal the state’s year-old 12-cent per gallon gasoline tax increase, expect him to try to find other new money for transporta­tion projects.

“We have a transporta­tion backlog that everyone experience­s every day,” Newsom said, referencin­g his own sojourns in Los Angeles traffic jams.

But Newsom remains noncommitt­al on the so-called California Waterfix, which would see local water districts assess taxpayers billions of dollars to fund two tunnels carrying Sacramento River water around or under the Delta formed by that river and the San Joaquin, east of San Francisco Bay.

If there’s one thing to expect from Newsom, it’s probably the unexpected. For sure, no one voting for him as San Francisco mayor foresaw him legalizing same-sex marriage or spurring a universal health care system for the city.

So no one can be certain of what he might tackle if and when he takes over California’s top office. Which might even include a run for president, in spite of his adamant current denials of interest.

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