Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Federal government brings back death penalty, orders five inmates executed

- New York Daily News (TNS)

The Justice Department announced Thursday it will resume executions of federal death row inmates after a 16-year pause, resurrecti­ng a problemati­c penalty supported by President Trump ahead of the 2020 election.

Five inmates convicted of gruesome murders are now set to die by lethal injection during a sixweek period starting Dec. 9, officials said.

In a statement, Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department “upholds the rule of law – and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”

One of the most high-profile inmates now siting on federal death row is Dylann Roof, the white supremacis­t who shot and killed nine black people at a South Carolina church in 2015.

While Roof is not one of the five scheduled to die in the coming months, a daughter of one of his victims spoke out Thursday to say she doesn’t support the federal death penalty reinstatem­ent.

“Dylann Roof dying is not going to bring my mom and the other eight people who died back to life. I just don’t think it solves what proponents believe it will solve. We will still be in pain,” Sharon Risher, who lost her mom Ethel Lance in the church massacre, told the Daily News.

Risher, 61, said she’s worried the reinstatem­ent is political.

She said the Trump administra­tion “continues to do things like this as distractio­ns from what’s really going on, but this is too significan­t.”

“After losing my mom, I had to really dig in my soul. And I decided the bottom line is, we can’t kill each other. And that’s what that is, federally sanctioned killing,” she said.

The five executions announced Thursday compare with only three others carried out since the federal death penalty was restored in 1988. Among the three was the 2001 execution of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy Mcveigh.

A moratorium was placed on the practice in 2014 when former President Barack Obama ordered a review following the botched state execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma.

In that case, Lockett convulsed violently after receiving a threedrug cocktail and even tried to lift his head after a doctor declared him unconsciou­s ahead of his fatal heart attack.

The Justice Department said Thursday the Obama-era review is now complete and a single drug, pentobarbi­tal, will replace the former three-drug infusion.

“Under administra­tions of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding,” Barr said.

At least two Democratic presidenti­al candidates quickly weighed in against the decision on Twitter.

“Let me be clear: capital punishment is immoral and deeply flawed,” California Sen. Kamala Harris wrote. “Too many innocent people have been put to death. We need a national moratorium on the death penalty, not a resurrecti­on.”

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders vowed to abolish it if he’s elected.

“There’s enough violence in the world. The government shouldn’t add to it,” he said.

The attorney general said more executions of the 62 inmates now on federal death row will be scheduled at a later date.

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