Marysville Appeal-Democrat

An epic capitol power struggle

- By Dan Walters Calmatters Columnist Calmatters Columnist

Exactly 40 years ago today, a political power struggle erupted in the California Assembly, one that lasted nearly a year and fundamenta­lly altered the Capitol’s culture.

Many of today’s legislator­s weren’t even born when Assemblyma­n Howard Berman, the majority floor leader, abruptly demanded that Assembly Speaker Leo Mccarthy step down in his favor.

Berman alleged that Mccarthy’s fundraisin­g for a future U.S. Senate bid was “seriously endangerin­g the Democratic Party’s future in the state Legislatur­e” because Republican­s could win control of the Assembly and thus control redrawing of legislativ­e and congressio­nal districts after the 1980 census.

Mccarthy refused to cede the powerful position, saying of Berman, “ambition has overtaken the normally high standards of decency and scruples that have characteri­zed Mr. Berman’s performanc­e in the house and his relationsh­ip with me.”

It was not an ideologica­l dispute since both were liberals. Partially, it was a regional rivalry – Berman from Los Angeles, Mccarthy from San Francisco. Mostly, however, it was a cultural clash.

Mccarthy was a somewhat formal, oldfashion­ed New Zealander-irish politician while Berman, 11 years younger, typified the careerist politician­s who had emerged after the Legislatur­e became a full-time, profession­al body.

While Berman appeared initially to claim a majority of the Assembly’s Democrats, McCarthy’s rebuff made it a stalemate.

When the Legislatur­e convened in January 1980, Berman would routinely make motions to vacate the speakershi­p, but with Democrats divided and Republican­s refusing to vote either way, nothing happened.

The two factions then tried to unseat each other’s backers with primary election challenges. Long-standing personal friendship­s and political alliances were shattered; one challenger to an incumbent was threatened with death, and an assemblywo­man gave up her seat in response to threats to reveal sordid details of her sex life.

A few incumbents lost their seats in the June 1980, primary but the stalemate continued until the November election when Berman’s side won a clear majority of the 47 Democratic Assembly members.

That was not the end of it, however. When the Legislatur­e convened in December 1980, 51 weeks after Berman had issued his first demand, Mccarthy’s faction did a deal with Republican­s to elect Willie Brown as speaker.

Republican­s openly feared that if Berman became speaker, his brother, Michael, a genius at redistrict­ing, would shrink their legislativ­e and congressio­nal seats, and decided Brown was a better bet. Brown, however, quickly consolidat­ed his position among Democrats, created congressio­nal and state Senate seats for Berman and his most ardent backers, and limited Republican leverage.

Brown went on to become the Assembly’s longest-serving speaker, but the wheeler-dealer atmosphere he fostered in the 1980s led to an FBI corruption investigat­ion that sent a number of legislator­s, legislativ­e aides and lobbyists to prison. The scandal, in turn, fueled a 1990 ballot measure imposing term limits on legislator­s, leading to a rapid turnover of membership that allowed an influx of women and nonwhite lawmakers.

Mccarthy didn’t run for the U.S. Senate in 1982, despite his earlier fundraisin­g. Instead, he won the first of three terms as lieutenant governor that year and died in 1995. Berman spent 30 years in Congress, but lost his seat to a fellow Democratic congressma­n in 2012 after redistrict­ing threw them both into the same Southern California district.

Berman’s victorious opponent, Brad Sherman, received some financial support from San Francisco, generated by one of Mccarthy’s close friends as retributio­n for what had happened 32 years earlier.

Calmatters is a public interest journalism venture committed to explaining how California’s state Capitol works and why it matters. For more stories by Dan Walters, go to

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Dan Walters

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