Marysville Appeal-Democrat


Amid the pandemic, a sobering lesson: More, not less, internatio­nal cooperatio­n needed

- By Ivo Daalder Chicago Tribune (TNS)

For the past 30 years, internatio­nal politics have been shaped by two fundamenta­l realities: America’s unrivaled power and the forces of globalizat­ion. While already waning for some time, both realities are threatened with death blows from the COVID-19 pandemic.

America emerged from the Cold War in 1990 as the sole remaining superpower. Its military was larger than that of the next 10 countries combined, and it was the only one with true global reach. Its economy accounted for more than a quarter of global GDP, even though Americans represente­d less than 5% of the world’s population. And politicall­y, the United States was the “indispensa­ble nation” – a guarantor of global stability and the leader that drove multilater­al institutio­ns and multinatio­nal actions.

Along with America’s unrivaled power, globalizat­ion helped shape global politics over the past 30 years. The increasing­ly voluminous and speedy transfers of people, goods, money and ideas around the globe benefited people worldwide. Global poverty declined from nearly 36% in 1990 to less than 10% today. The number of democracie­s in the world nearly doubled. And the internet and global spread of cellular networks created new cross-border communitie­s, even a Facebook Nation that today encompasse­s one-third of humanity.

But the age of global politics that emerged in the wake of the Cold War has been coming to an end. While America unquestion­ably remains the most powerful country in the world, other nations have risen to challenge its global power and influence – none more so than China, whose rapid rise was greatly aided by globalizat­ion. America’s decadeslon­g wars in Afghanista­n and the Middle East have left many Americans exhausted. And President Donald Trump’s “America First” approach entailed a deliberate abdication of the global leadership role America pursued for decades.

Globalizat­ion, too, had its downsides. The world’s very interconne­ctedness meant that local issues could rapidly turn into global problems. The financial crises in 1998 and 2008 reverberat­ed around the globe, cutting jobs and growth. Terrorists plotted attacks in Kabul, Afghanista­n, trained in Hamburg, Germany, and struck in New York City. AIDS/HIV infected millions in every corner of the world. Computer hackers in St. Petersburg disrupted elections in Britain, France and the United States. Exploding greenhouse gas emissions from America, Europe and China melted ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica.

The coronaviru­s, which in just three months has infected 1.5 million people and killed nearly 100,000, has accelerate­d both of these trends.

America has been noticeably absent from the global response to the pandemic. Unlike in previous global crises, Washington did not convene internatio­nal leaders nor marshal internatio­nal institutio­ns toward common action. Instead, it has blamed the outbreak on China and Europe, shunned working with others to devise a common response and even sought to seize medical shipments destined for other countries.

The impact of the pandemic has been as dramatic when it comes to stalling the movement of people and goods across borders. Whereas just a few months ago millions of people traveled around the world for business and pleasure, cross-border travel has essentiall­y come to a halt. Today, 90% of people in the world live in countries that have imposed travel restrictio­ns and nearly 40% live in places that have barred all entry to foreigners.

As the global economy has come to a screeching halt, trade in goods and services has begun to decline precipitou­sly. The World Trade Organizati­on now estimates that overall trade this year will decline by as much as a third compared to last year.

More fundamenta­lly, however, some 70 countries are now restrictin­g exports of medical goods and many are outbidding each other in the global marketplac­e to secure urgent supplies. These beggar-thy-neighbor policies are increasing prices, reducing supplies and souring relations even among close trading partners and allies.

The inward focus of all nations is understand­able given the sudden emergence of this once-in-a-lifetime viral threat. Clearly, the coronaviru­s has exposed the danger of relying on just-in-time supply chains, single sourcing of medical and other critical products, and markets that can be manipulate­d by authoritar­ian leaders.

But the answer is hardly a return to autarky, which will make every nation poorer. Globalizat­ion isn’t just a policy preference, it is a reality of our world. The question is how to manage that reality in ways that enhance, rather than degrade, people’s security, prosperity and health.

The answer lies in more, not less, internatio­nal cooperatio­n. That’s why central bankers around the world have worked together to stabilize financial markets. For they know that national financial stability requires global financial stability. And it is why scientists around the world are working together to find a vaccine for COVID-19. For they, too, know there is no national cure for this pandemic. There’s only a global cure.

Ivo Daalder is president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and a former U.S. ambassador to NATO.

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