Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Questions for candidates? Suggestion­s on mental health survival?


We got limited response so far on a query to Facebook friends about what they would most like to have local candidates address -- there’s just a week left for candidates to file for the fall elections.

We’ll be asking for suggestion­s through next week -- join us on Facebook to post your question. Here are a few responses:

-- Jeff Robinson: What are you going to do about the homeless and their trash in the river bottoms?

-- Jeffrey Zablotsky: How much does a City Council member get paid?

-- Marcy King O’rourke: What are you going to do to help the homeless?

-- Christine Daugherty: What are your plans to help small businesses?


An exchange flared up amongst Facebook friends over the topic of wearing facemasks:

-- Gary Metcalf: Sunday afternoon I was very disappoint­ed to see not less than nine shoppers ... in Yuba City not wearing a mask despite signage at the entrance. … Masks must be enforced if we are to get ahead of this. …

-- Dana Durhamperi­n: Mask Nazi spotted! You realize the way they are being worn by the public is not effective right ?

-- Tenille Ritzman If you have a mask, why do you care if they do? Circle up!!

-- Gary Metcalf: … It’s like this: Some of us realize that it is our societal duty, our obligation, for the good of everyone, that we ALL need to do our part to limit further spread of this virus. Could be that that young couple would be ones to go to large gatherings, get infected and be asymptomat­ic. Maybe that’s what you have done. Further, my 88 year old mother is in a home and SOMEONE brought the virus into the facility. For weeks, she was so sick she told me she prayed to die. So, my young correspond­ent, ask yourself who in your family or your boyfriend’s family you are OK with having them DIE. THAT is why everyone should wear a mask.


We mentioned how the negatives keep piling up and, for some of us, it’s harder to keep a positive attitude. We asked how people were coping and for suggestion­s for other … and the conversati­on quickly turned to who’s to blame...

-- Uriel Ramirez: Count your blessings and the storm of problems cannot last forever, it’s here only momentaril­y. At the moment, to take advantage of the situation to self improve and do what we couldn’t do before.

-- Erik Brummett: In the words of Bill and Ted, “Be excellent to each other.”

-- Rosie Cross Kirkland: We would have had the curve straighten­ed out if people would quit being selfish and stayed home. Wear a mask. Believe in science.

-- Heather Munoz: First of all, we’re not in a “second wave.” Secondly, I’ll start believing that people can’t pay their rent or eat when the stores aren’t fully packed with people buying stuff, and when the restaurant­s (whether “dine outside,” drive thru, takeout, Doordash) aren’t completely slammed every day. Judging by what I see in this community, people are loaded with cash. Idk if it’s because they’re taking advantage of loopholes to not pay bills, or if it’s because of those obscenely high unemployme­nt payments, or what. Those are chickens that will come home to roost at a future date …

-- Kaylene Renee Rector-baysinger: I’m going to the one community pool that actually got to stay open to relieve my stress. Granted It takes me 45 minutes to get there.

-- Chris Chiltown Chilton: People are struggling to survive because their businesses can’t be open but big business can. There is more to the story than they are telling us.

-- Shannon Sullivan-brown: Open the economy no holds barred. if your doctor says stay home do that.

-- Lorree Wallender: I’d say just reading these comments tells you all you need to know about why Covid numbers are increasing.

-- James Seif The reopening of schools in 22 European countries has not led to any significan­t increase in coronaviru­s infections among children, parents or staff, a videoconfe­rence meeting of education ministers from around the EU has heard.

-- Kimberly Ransom: They are sending out a second stimulus package, unemployme­nt is not ending, the outrageous amount of $600 extra on top of your regular amount is being reduced due to people refusing to return to work. The CDC is now saying kids can return to school, and the pandemic will end the first week of November after the election because all this is a political move by the Democrats

-- Suzy Cue: … Sorry but it is Trump that is spreading virus. He is in charge, not Dems.

-- Lisa Gilreath: China spread the virus not Trump.

-- Wendy Morgan: If we had a leader instead of a coward in the WH, maybe we would be over this. But instead Dr. Fauci is the bad guy, masks are for girly girls and it’s a hoax. All of that thinking is killing America.

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