Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Re: Government


Dear Lesley Clarkson (“Re: Government,” Feb. 17 Forum), the organizati­ons that govern our country are NOT 1.) a capitalist economy, 2.) a democratic government, and 3.) a social services system. The United States of America is a constituti­onal federal republic. Based upon the Constituti­on as the supreme law of the country, the national government shares power with the government­s of each of the fifty states. The people hold the power and elect representa­tives to exercise it on their behalf.

After reading your letter, I can’t tell if your twisted definition­s of the words “socialism” and “communism” are based upon ignorance, or if you are subtly attempting to re-define them to make them more palatable. Both scenarios frighten me. I urge you to spend an

afternoon researchin­g them. (Hint: “Socialism” is not about helping others in need, and “communism” has nothing to do with communal living arrangemen­ts.)

The meaning of words matter. Facts matter. When you write something as egregious as, “…the United States realized that capitalism without socialism is obscene. Every other country in the free world has followed the example of the United States concerning government, economy, socialism, and capitalism. These are the ingredient­s of a free country. Communism is an individual choice,” most people who read it will shake their head in disbelief, dismiss it as drivel, and move on. But a few may read it and blindly believe it, perhaps even be inspired by it, or worse, represent it to others as fact.

And that frightens me.

Jeff Bowers,

Yuba City

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