Marysville Appeal-Democrat



(March 21-April 19): Today you want to get things done. You want to be efficient, practical and productive. This attitude alone could help you resolve loose ends that have been a challenge this week. With your ruler, fiery Mars, in your sign, you’re all systems go! Tonight: Get some exercise. This Week: Focus on home and family discussion­s. III

(April 20-May 20): Make today a day of rest, because you need it. Take time to replenish and restore yourself with recreation­al activities and a fun escape. Social diversions and playful activities with kids will delight you. Tonight: Be low-key. This Week: Fortunatel­y, you can handle a busy, fast pace! IIII

(May 21-June 20): You have been busy socializin­g. Today you want to escape the busyness around you and cocoon at home. Find ways to kick back and relax. Tonight: Activity with others. This Week: Shop for wardrobe goodies. III

(June 21-July 22): With the Sun still in your sign, you make a fabulous impression on others. Today you’re eager to communicat­e at a gut level. You don’t want to waste time on superficia­l chitchat. Tonight: You’re ambitious.this Week: Your reputation is shining! Ask for what you want. III

(July 23-Aug. 22): Today it’s easy to identify with your possession­s, which is why you will like to be surrounded by the things that you own and enjoy. (You might not want to lend something.) Neverthele­ss, relations with younger, creative people are positive. Your desire to travel is still strong. Tonight: Explore! This Week: You are quietly ambitious. Enjoy schmoozing with friends. III

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Because the Moon is in your sign, your luck will tend to be better. You can use the advantage you have when talking to bosses, parents and VIPS, because they will be ready to listen to you. Tonight: Avoid disputes. This Week: You’re popular. Romance with a boss is possible. IIII

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You’re happy to keep a low profile today. Note: You might not pull this off, because the Sun at the top of your chart is casting you in a flattering spotlight, which will attract others to you. Tonight: Cooperate. This Week: Go after what you want, because you look good! III

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You’re doing your best at work. Give yourself a pat on the back. Too often, we think of our faults instead of our accomplish­ments. Today a conversati­on with a female might make you change your goals. Tonight: Work. This Week: Travel and romance are favored. Have patience with partners. III

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Something to do with your profession­al or business life might be tested today. Be careful not to blur the lines of authority because you feel friendly with a boss. This is a tricky situation. Friendly is good; chummy, not so much. Tonight: Play! This Week: Financial negotiatio­ns look good. III

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Do something to “get away from all this” if you can, because you need to escape. You need a change of scenery so you can emotionall­y kickstart yourself. Tonight: Home improvemen­ts. This Week: Romance and competitiv­e sports are highlighte­d. IIII

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You want to work hard and get better organized. This means you have the motivation. In addition, the placement of Mars and Jupiter in your chart will give you the positive energy and follow-through that you need. Tonight: You’re convincing! This Week: You will accomplish a lot. III

(Feb. 19-March 20): Today you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This is no biggie. It simply means you have to be cooperativ­e, accommodat­ing and ready to listen. You can do this. Tonight: Money talk. This Week: Party hard, work hard! III

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