Marysville Appeal-Democrat

‘Ploy to use Florida taxpayer dollars to move migrants’ Migrants say contractor­s in Florida pushed to get them to board planes bound for California

- Tribune News Service Los Angeles Times

EL PASO, Texas — María had traveled over 2,800 miles from Venezuela to reach the United States in early May. Once crossing the border, however, she’d only made it four blocks, to a shelter at Sacred Heart Church, in downtown El Paso.

Like many asylum seekers released on parole by Customs and Border Protection, she had no money to pay for a plane or bus ticket, she said. She slept in the church shelter, and then in the alley outside, for three weeks, until a woman approached and said she would fly María on a private jet to California.

“She said I should go, that there were people there to receive us who would give us lodging, that they would help us… get our [immigratio­n] papers in order,” said María, who asked to be identified only by her first name, out of fear of potential repercussi­ons from the woman who approached her.

What María didn’t know was that the woman was a contractor hired by the administra­tion of Florida Gov. Ron Desantis.

The contractor, along with another woman and two men, spent the afternoon walking around the church trying to recruit migrants like María to board a charter flight to Sacramento. María and other migrants said the contractor­s did not identify themselves beyond saying they were there to “help the migrants.”

Over that weekend, the contractor­s managed to recruit two planefuls of migrants — 16 on a Friday flight, 20 on Monday — whom they drove two hours west to a small airport in New Mexico for the trips to Sacramento.

The scheme was a gambit by Desantis, and brought attention to his recently launched presidenti­al bid focused on denouncing what he calls “wokeness” and attacking states like California over “sanctuary city” policies.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom condemned the flights.

“My Administra­tion is working with the California Department of Justice to investigat­e…. whether the individual­s orchestrat­ing this trip misled anyone with false promises or have violated any criminal laws, including kidnapping,” he wrote in a statement the next day.

Desantis and his spokespeop­le have defended the flights, arguing migrants’ decisions to board were entirely voluntary. Desantis organized a similar protest flight in

2022, recruiting migrants in Del Río, Texas, to fly to Martha’s Vineyard. Despite widespread condemnati­on and an ongoing criminal investigat­ion over whether those migrants were misled, the Florida Legislatur­e this year allocated $12 million that can be used for such flights. Desantis’ office did not respond to a request for comment.

In Arizona near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, he decried what he called “open border” policies and said, “I think the sanctuary jurisdicti­ons should be the ones that have to bear that.”

In El Paso, three migrants who were approached by the contractor­s, but who decided not to go with them, said the contractor­s’ offers were vague and suspicious. Though the contractor­s maintained a friendly compositio­n, they pushed aggressive­ly for migrants to board flights, those approached said, and they insisted on seeing the documents border agents had given them.

When one Venezuelan woman told the contractor­s she didn’t want to go to California but was trying to get to New York, a contractor told her that “people in California” would book her flights to New York once she landed there, she said. The woman asked that her name not be used because she was still unsure of the contractor­s’ identities and feared repercussi­ons if they returned. Other migrants who turned the contractor­s down expressed similar fears.

María said the contractor who talked to her was insistent, and that she kept telling her that she should board the plane. When María said no, she wanted to stay in El Paso to make her court date, the contractor told María she would “change her date” for her.

The whole affair made María nervous. She worried the mysterious contractor­s were drug trafficker­s

— why else would they have a private plane? The contractor seemed to sense her nervousnes­s.

“She told us not to be afraid — that she didn’t want to steal our hearts or our organs or anything,” María said.

Despite the woman continuing to push her to get on the plane, María ended up turning her down. But she watched in anxiety as one of her friends went with them.

Imelda Maynard, an attorney with the Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico’s legal aid clinic, met with a family who chose to go with the contractor­s that Thursday. She says the family — now clients of her organizati­on — were offered help finding housing and jobs. The husband, wife and four young children were driven by the contractor­s in a rented van about two hours east into New Mexico, where the contractor­s booked them rooms in a Super 8 motel and promptly disappeare­d.

According to Maynard, while the contractor­s reappeared the next morning to take some of the migrants to a private plane, the contractor­s seemed unsure whether the family could travel with children, and they told the father that they had to delay. Maynard says her clients waited in the motel until Sunday, when one of the contractor­s suggested the father could board a flight alone the next day, and his family could join him at some other point. The family asked instead to go back to El Paso. They were allowed to leave.

Maynard said that the father told her his family had been well-treated by the contractor­s; they had been fed well and comfortabl­y housed. Nonetheles­s, he was nervous about them coming to look for his family, and he stayed on the lookout. Like other migrants, he was concerned that the contractor­s might have been drug trafficker­s.

According to Maynard, the father later got a call from a woman who had landed in California. Maynard says that the woman told the father that the planes were a “scam” — that there had been no jobs waiting for them.

On that Sunday, María’s friend who had gone with the contractor­s also called her from California. The friend said that the contractor had driven them about two hours east to a motel before returning the next day to take them to the airport, where, as promised, a private plane was waiting, according to María.

María said her friend told her that police had interviewe­d the migrants as soon as they got off their flight, and that she and the others had met the governor of California. While confused at what was happening all around her, the friend told María that the treatment on the flight had all been “normal,” and that they’d arrived in California safely as promised.

María’s friend could not be reached to verify her experience. Newsom confirmed that he had met with migrants on Saturday, along with California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

Newsom spokesman Anthony York, who was present at the meetings, said the migrants seemed to be in good moods. They had been dropped off in front of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, and had since been housed and fed by a coalition of local faith groups.

“We saw these folks after their first good night’s sleep in who knows how long, and I think a lot, a lot of them were just happy to have been fed and clothed,” York said. “And so a lot of them were in very good spirits just because they were being welcomed by the NGOS that received them and the faith community embracing them.”

York blasted Desantis for using the migrants for “propaganda” purposes after his administra­tion released a video showing people signing paperwork and smiling and waving aboard a private flight. “

“This is a ploy to use Florida taxpayer dollars to move migrants from Texas — not from Florida — into California in a desperate attempt to get votes in

Iowa and New Hampshire,” York said, referring to Desantis’ 2024 bid. “It’s just disgusting.”

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