Marysville Appeal-Democrat



Re: Desantis

As a regular reader of the Appeal democrat, I generally seek out the Forum page first for the various opinion pieces regarding current events. The Other View on June 9th by the Miami Herald’s Fabiola Santiago titled ‘By turning Immigrants into Crime Victims for publicity, Gov. Duh-santis guarantees their stay’.

First, I chuckled and then laughed out loud as I read it. Desantis probably does not know those struggling and weary immigrants will now be allowed the rights as etched on the Statue of Liberty: ‘‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’’

Why he seeks out immigrants in Texas around a number of states to a final landing place; this time to Sacramento. California is considered a sanctuary state. Governor Gavin Newsom shook his head in response. “You small pathetic man” he exclaimed.

I agree wholeheart­edly with our governor. After the Martha’s Vineyard/ Desantis debacle he is still playing inhumane hateful games with immigrants that don’t know what tomorrow will bring. That pathetic little man that is running for president would be too busy with his governing job to campaign for president. Taxpayers are footing the bills for all his shenanigan­s. In my opinion he’s not even a good Governor.

Why would he think he could possibly be elected president?

Re: Trump indictment

Jacquie Bockius Yuba City

After reading and rereading the indictment against Mr. Trump I am persuaded that he will be held accountabl­e in a court of law. I have watched both MSNBC and FOX news coverage of these events. While MSNBC attempts to delve into and explain the 37 charges against Trump, Fox makes no such attempt, relying solely on taking up the the clarion call of Mr. Trump to undermine the judicial system and its supposed unfairness. (This argument is truly getting old and, more and more of an insult to our intelligen­ce.)

One must come to the conclusion that they also feel the evidence is over whelming as there is NO challengin­g of the facts. All that remains is to administer justice in the form of a fair trial and hang him out to dry.

The “Elements of Proof ” for the charges do not require that the documents be classified but the fact that over 300 were classified speaks to the larger and by far more important issue of damage to our national security. The very number and sensitivit­y speaks to the vulnerabil­ity his breach of security created. For over a year much of this has been public knowledge. Is anyone naive enough to believe that Mar-a-largo and Bedminster were not the target of espionage by foreign countries?

For God’s sake he had document setting on a stage, in a bathroom and unprotecte­d storage room! No guard and only minimal electronic surveillan­ce. Even if none of the documents were compromise­d the very fact that they may have been will set back the intelligen­ce community years.

Donald Trump is set to take his place alongside Benedict Arnold’s and Eric Snowden. Regardless of intent Trump is a traitor to this country. We are only left to determine the depth of his betrayal. I believe more will be revealed when he is held accountabl­e for 1/6.

Something is fundamenta­lly wrong when such a man is even allowed to run for public office. Of course Hitler ran and was elected? Vote wisely.

David Hudspeth Yuba City

Re: Painting over potholes

Dear fellow drivers, aren’t you grateful and excited our crosswalks have a new and fresh look? Never mind the cracks, bumps and potholes in our roads that get no attention and get worse every year!

This is like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.

Sandra Brooks Yuba City

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