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Chief John Ross

John Ross, long-time leader of the Cherokee Nation, was born on October 3, 1790, in Cherokee territory now part of Alabama. He grew up near Lookout Mountain on the Tennessee-georgia border. Ross served as president of the Cherokee’s National Committee (their legislatur­e) from 1819 to 1826, as delegate to the Cherokee constituti­onal convention in 1827, as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1828 to 1839, and finally as principal chief of the United Cherokee Nation from 1839 until his death in 1866. In these roles, he successful­ly led the Cherokee people through some of their most difficult circumstan­ces.

Although his father was Scottish and his mother was of mixed descent, John Ross grew up as a full-fledged member of the Cherokee community. Known as Tsan Usdi (Little John) in his youth, he acquired the Cherokee name Kooweskoow­e at adulthood. His parents also provided him with a Europeanba­sed education, at first through a private tutor at home and later at an academy in South West Point (now Kingston), Tennessee. Thus Ross learned to function fully in white society while maintainin­g strong Cherokee ties. He later used his knowledge of both cultures to his peoples’ advantage during repeated negotiatio­ns with the U.S. government.

By 1816 when he entered politics as a Cherokee delegate to Washington, D.C., John Ross was a successful merchant with a wife and several children. Having fought with Andrew Jackson in the Creek War of 1813-14, he went on to establish a ferry and warehouse for his trading firm at Ross’ Landing, now Chattanoog­a, on the Tennessee River. Ross also inherited a family home at Rossville, now in Georgia, where he increasing­ly took on the role of a southern planter. By the time that he moved to Head of Coosa (now Rome, Georgia) in 1827, Ross owned nearly 200 acres of farmland worked by slaves and was one of the Cherokee Nation’s wealthiest men.

Despite the encroachme­nt of white settlers and extensive cessions of their territory, by the early 19th century the Cherokee people still held a sizeable tract of land spanning parts of southern Tennessee, northern Alabama, northern Georgia, and western North Carolina. Following the acquisitio­n of the Louisiana Territory by the U.S. in 1803, many Americans — not the least of them President Thomas Jefferson — sought to move the Cherokees along with other eastern tribes to unincorpor­ated land west of the Mississipp­i River. The Cherokees’ adoption of agricultur­al practices, a written alphabet, and a constituti­onal form of government all were intended to accommodat­e Europeans and forestall relocation. By

1830, however, discovery of gold on Cherokee land, paired with Georgia’s attempts at legislativ­e annexation and the U.S. Indian Removal Act, made that relocation look increasing­ly inevitable.

John Ross led a bold attempt to resist forced removal through legal proceeding­s in Washington. In two Supreme Court cases, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Cherokees challenged Georgia laws intended to expel them from their land. While the court first ruled that Indian tribes were “domestic dependent nations” over which it had no legal jurisdicti­on, it later reversed itself, writing that the Cherokee Nation “is a distinct community…in which the laws of Georgia can have no force… The whole intercours­e between the United States and this nation is, by our Constituti­on and laws, vested in the government of the United States.” Yet, the Supreme Court had no way to enforce its stand and President Andrew

Jackson was sympatheti­c to the cause of removal.

Factionali­sm within the Cherokee community also grew. Late in 1835, a small group of Cherokees, led by members of the Watie and Ridge families, signed a treaty in Ross’ absence ceding all tribal land to the U.S. government in exchange for money and territory further west. Though Ross protested these events in a petition to Congress, the treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate with a one-vote margin in May 1836. This gave the Cherokees just two years to get off their land.

By the summer of 1838,

Ross found himself leading his people through the harrowing process of military eviction from their ancestral homes. U.S. government logistics were poor: there were three to five deaths a day from illness and drought among the first groups departing by boat. For the majority who waited until autumn, the journey, now organized by Ross, became a challengin­g 1,000-mile march through freezing winter weather. An estimated 4,000 Cherokees died on the journey — more than one-fifth of the total population — including John Ross’ wife Quatie, who succumbed to pneumonia at Little Rock. Now known as the Trail of Tears, this Cherokee experience of removal is remembered as a tragic low point in U.s.-tribal relations.

While a small group of Cherokees remained in Georgia, the majority of the tribe, with Ross as their leader, began life anew in what is now Oklahoma. There, Ross helped craft the

1839 Constituti­on of the United Cherokee Nation, with its capital establishe­d at Tahlequah in

1841. Ross again was elected principal chief. He married Mary Brian Stapler, a young Quaker woman, in 1844. By the 1850s, the Oklahoma Cherokees had a national press, a free public school program, and a unified political system.

During the Civil War, Ross called for the Cherokee Nation to maintain neutrality, but reluctantl­y agreed to sign a treaty with the Confederac­y due to pressure from bordering states. He soon traveled with his family to Washington, however, and remained there for the rest of the war. In September 1862, John Ross met with President Lincoln to explain that he was coerced into signing the treaty with the Confederat­es.

The divisive sentiments of the Civil War again threatened to split the Cherokee tribe, but John Ross worked to reunite them and protect their land. Just days before his death he learned that the Treaty of 1866 would secure permanent land rights for his people at last.

Anthracite coal strike

On October 3, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt met with miners and coalfield operators from the anthracite coalfields in Pennsylvan­ia in an attempt to settle the strike, then in its fifth month. The country relied on coal to power commerce and industry and anthracite or “hard coal” was essential for domestic heating. The miners had left the anthracite fields on May 12, demanding wage increases, union recognitio­n, and a shorter workday. As winter approached, public anxiety about fuel shortages and the rising cost of all coal pushed Roosevelt to take unpreceden­ted action.

On October 23, 1902, the miners returned to work after both sides agreed to settle the strike based on the recommenda­tions of the Anthracite Coal Commission, a body appointed by the president. Ultimately, the miners won a

10% increase in pay and a 9-hour workday. The United Mine Workers of America, however, did not win recognitio­n from the mine operators. The commission also failed to address the problems of child labor and hazardous working conditions.

Source: Library of Congress

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