Marysville Appeal-Democrat



Re: Climate movement needs you

You are concerned about the Climate Crisis and are not sure what to do about it. Know that you are not alone. Also know that the Climate Movement needs you, it needs everyone, to do everything we can to address this crisis. Here are some ideas:

– Learn more about how our world is warming; the causes, consequenc­es and actions that need to be taken to stop it. Start by visiting NASA’S website on climate:

– Talk about it, a lot, with friends, family, everybody and anybody.

– Get involved; join a climate group or two. Ask how you can help. You undoubtedl­y have the skills they need. If you have money to donate, they could benefit from that too.

– Get political; take to the streets, contact elected officials, repeatedly, and demand that they take action to address this crisis. They were elected to service the people, and there is no higher service than protecting the world we live in.

– Walk the talk; take steps to reduce your emissions. It is very gratifying.

– Pace yourself; we’re in this for the long haul. Have Hope.

Ron Sadler Marysville

Re: Yuba City/sutter County sales tax

An article published in Saturdays AD by the AD Editorial Board stressed the need for city and county to work together and agree to some sort of revenue sharing agreement. I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment. What I do take issue with is the apparent failure to thoroughly research the problem. Both entities,

Yuba City & Sutter County, establishe­d ad hoc committees who apparently have reported that by their calculatio­n there is a marked need for additional money; if not now, in the foreseeabl­e future. I strongly disagree to the assertion by the editorial board that “Leaders of both YC & SC have successful­ly made a case for the need of a sales tax measure.”

What is obvious by its omission is any reference to alternativ­e sources of revenue; there is no inclusion of the referenced

Revenue forecast; debt owed to CALPERS; or the need to maintain a reserve. Is it possible for Representa­tive Lamalfa to see if we will be getting any infrastruc­ture money which is being allocated this year? (We need 150 million +, Sir.) State somewhat routinely allocates money for shortfalls in fire protection. If you want me as a voter to decide if a new tax is needed you need to provide a complete picture based on reality not an incomplete bias one-sided analysis.

I do not believe the SC approach of a specific tax requiring 66% to pass is doable? Specific or Special taxes are normally used for one specific purpose. The shortfall in rural fire protection being an example. Much better fit.

I am exhausted of hearing that other counties’ have increased their sales tax so why shouldn’t we? (The other lemmings are running off the cliff why shouldn’t we?) What terrible logic. Another example of bad logic is Ms. Langley’s assertion that “Moving forward as the city continues to expand roads and public safety will need to be funded.” Does not logic dictate that as we expand so will the tax base? I remember buying my home back in in 2002 and having to pay 7-8 thousand dollars to offset costs that the city government would be responsibl­e for. Is this not still the way of it? I don’t remember the name of the tax but was caught unawares.

Mr. Boomgaarde­n wants us to look to the future so that we do not end up in a crisis mode. The problem with that is that the need will always meet or exceed the monies available. This is the primary reason we have social security, because so few people can put money aside. Government organizati­ons are the same. If they somehow generate a surplus they routinely find a way to reallocate it. (Such is the way of it!)

My sense of things would indicate a need for the sales tax increase. I feel the pinch on my fixed income and can well envision the pinch being felt by our local government entities. I would only ask that our elected officials have certainty based on factual analysis. Who knows maybe you’re not asking for enough?

David Hudspeth Yuba City

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