Marysville Appeal-Democrat



Re: Lamalfa votes to cut Social Security

President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 14, 1935. There were critics and some called it socialism. As time passed, Americans paid into and relied on the system to be there for them when they reached retirement age. According to Social Security Works, over 66 million Americans (1 in 5) depend on it. It lifts over 22 million (including 1 million children) out of poverty. Quite efficient, administra­tive costs are less than a penny on the dollar. No program is perfect, but it has stood the test of time. So, what could go wrong?

Days after Trump called for cuts to the program in a CNBC interview on March 11, 80% of House Republican­s (the party that touts family values) released their plan to slash Social Security benefits by $1.5 trillion and privatize Medicare. It calls for raising the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits. It cuts Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and the Children’s

Insurance Program by $4.5 trillion over 10 years. It also takes away Medicare’s new power to negotiate lower prescripti­on drug prices thereby raising costs to seniors. It also includes $5.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporatio­ns (many of which are Republican donors).

Our Representa­tive, Doug Lamalfa voted for this plan. On his website, he brags about reducing spending, but fails to mention the cuts to Social Security. According to the Environmen­tal Working Group, he and his family have received over $5.5 million in federal farm subsidy handouts and other agricultur­e payments since 1995 (more than any other member of Congress). As of 2018, his net worth was $3.5 million. Members of Congress receive an annual base pay of $174 thousand. In summary, he rakes in millions in subsidies, takes away our hard-earned benefits, and we pay his wage. Lamalfa is up for reelection on November 5. He needs to go.

Betty Mello Marysville

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